I love you still
My story is about an unforgettable person in my life. Everything we
had between each other is over now. But my memory and feelings in my
heart persuaded me to write this.
Many times in the school my friends pointed you out as a handsome
boy. They told you that you resemble a famous actor. But those days I
did not observe anything special in you. We were in peer groups. But at
one time I didn’t smile with you. But all things changed suddenly. I
think it’s because of our History class. When I came to that class I
have never seen your loving eyes looking at me. But most of my friends
knew it.
It was June 14, 2010. That day I was with my best friend in the
school compound. One of my friends came late to school and took me away
from the others. Oh! I could not believe that she had brought a proposal
for me from you.
At that moment I didn’t have any feelings towards you. But the
following day, after school, you followed me. Everyday after the school
interval, you came near our class. During such moments I was unable to
bear your sight with unlimited love for me. I could not directly give
you a reply. But I think you knew my heart and my thoughts.
But it all changed with your friends. They told you many lies about
me and you believed them. As a result, one day you told me to forget you
and that you knew all the things about me. I was so angry and blamed
you, the only thing you know is that. But you know, tears come to my
eyes because of you but I know you’ll never forget me.
Now time has passed and we are laugh, talk and treat each other as
friends. But our friends still call us names. Even though I showed that
I do not like it, I get an innocent joy out of it.
Still there is love for you in my heart. Earlier you wished me to be
your girlfriend. But now I’m just a friend.
Dear! How can you treat the same person in two ways, from one heart?
Please can anyone explain it to me?
- Ishara
Love Lines
The forgetless star
I searched and searched everywhere
But I didn’t meet you ...
I walked and walked every time
But I didn’t see you ...
I asked and asked everyone
But they didn’t know you ....
And I tried and tried to forget you
But I can’t forget you ...
- T.V.S.M. Thennewatta