LTTE’s main agent in arms network, a serious threat - Expert
International counter terrorism expert Shanaka Jayasekara said that
Ponniah Anandarajah, the main agent of the LTTE’s arms network in the
post-KP period, still poses a serious threat to Sri Lanka’s efforts in
countering the LTTE’s international links.
Jayasekara, an Associate Lecturer at the Centre for Policing,
Intelligence and Counter Terrorism (PICT) at Macquarie University in
Sydney, told the Sunday Observer that Anandarajah is still having access
to gun-running networks globally.
“The arrest of KP, the arrest of Rajan and the acquisition of the
LTTE vessel MV Chrishantha are great achievements for Sri Lanka’s
security agencies”, he said.
Jayasekara who is doing research on terrorist fund-raising, weapons
procurement and support networks, said that it was difficult to estimate
the LTTE’s total wealth as most of the investments were hidden or in
front companies.
“The only figure that I have come across is that TRO leader Regi, now
living in the UK has over US$50 million of TRO funds under his control.
The LTTE is still having six single engine aircraft packed in crates
in a warehouse in Asmara, Eretria. It is also believed that one sea
plane allegedly purchased with LTTE funds is running charter flights in
the Fiji Islands”, he said.
Jayasekara said that most of the LTTE’s ships had been destroyed by
the Sri Lanka Navy in deep sea operations and the security agencies
seized the MV Chrishantha, the LTTE’s largest weapons ship. “The
Princess Eswarie (Ocean Lady) captained by Kamalraj Kandasamy was the
main vessel that transported weapons out of North Korea for the LTTE. In
the post-May 2009 situation, after the arrest of KP in Malaysia the LTTE
operatives felt insecure in South East Asian countries and fled to
Canada”, he said.
He also said that the trend continued when the MV Sun Sea, captained
by Vinod with a LTTE crew travelled to Canada. “The trend is very clear
and members of the LTTE shipping network (Sea Pigeons) are using their
seafaring skills to transport asylum seekers to western countries. The
LTTE’s main shipping location for the Asian region was based in Cebu in
the Philippines”, he said.
Jayasekara said that to prevent the LTTE smuggling people to the
West, countries such as Canada and Australia need to look into their
asylum seeker criteria on the UNHCR recommendations.
“The UNHCR has clearly indicated that Tamil persons from Northern Sri
Lanka are not in any danger and political asylum should be considered
only for an individual who has a specific threat in Sri Lanka.
Therefore, based on the UNHCR recommendation all Tamil boat people
should be sent back. This will be a clear message to potential asylum
seekers”, he said. He said that payments to most of these human
smugglers don’t directly come from asylum seekers and the money is paid
by relatives living abroad. The Canadian authorities should track down
payments made by their relatives in Canada.
“These human smuggling vessels maintain satellite phone contact
during the voyage and these contacts should also come under
surveillance”, he said.