RAM Ratings Lanka assigns AA/P1 ratings to Sampath Bank
RAM Ratings Lanka has assigned long and short-term ratings of AA and
P1 to Sampath Bank PLC (Sampath or the Bank). The long-term rating has a
stable outlook.
The ratings are premised on the Bank’s healthy asset quality and
capital adequacy.
The ratings also take into account the management’s initiatives to
strengthen the Bank’s overall risk-management framework and market
position, which are reflected in its improving asset quality.
Incorporated in 1986, Sampath is the fifth-largest bank in the Sri
Lankan banking industry, accounting for 6.24 percent of the industry’s
assets as at end-December 2009.
The two largest State banks made up 40.53 percent of the industry’s
asset base as at the same date.
In 2008, Sampath recruited several experienced personnel to fortify
its internal systems and market position.
The risk-management strategies implemented since then have already
begun bearing fruit.
Despite the harsh economic climate in 2009, the Bank managed to rein
in its non-performing loans (NPLs), which increased at a slower rate of
5.91 percent in FYE 31 December 2009 (FY Dec 2009) (FY Dec 2008: +13.78
percent) to Rs 7.47 billion at the end of the period. Moreover, its NPLs
had contracted 5.15 percent by end-June 2010, with a corresponding gross
NPL ratio of 6.80 percent (end-December 2009: 7.63 percent).
The Bank’s healthier loan portfolio also reflects its expanded
pawning portfolio, which entails lower default risk and is well
Moreover, the management’s conservative approach is reflected in the
Bank’s prudent provisioning, i.e. by providing fully for NPLs and
disregarding the value of collateral.
As a result, the bank’s coverage levels are well above its peers.
In line with its improving asset quality, Sampath’s credit costs as a
percentage of total assets eased from 0.60 percent as at end-FY Dec 2008
to 0.19 percent as at end-FY Dec 2009. The Bank’s pre-tax profit
augmented Rs 1.41 billion to Rs 3.98 billion in fiscal 2009, on the back
of a widening net interest margin (NIM) and stronger non-interest
Its NIM had broadened on the back of its expanding pawning portfolio,
which yields wider margins.
Moreover, other income had jumped Rs 977.08 million following the
disposal of shares in an associate.
Sampath’s funding and liquidity levels are considered healthy as its
funding base is dominated by customer deposits.
In addition, the Bank’s loan-to-deposit ratio has historically been
more conservative than the industry average. Sampath’s Tier-1 and
overall risk-weighted capital-adequacy ratios (RWCARs) clocked in at
10.40 percent and 13.45 percent, respectively, as at end-FY Dec 2009,
i.e. higher than the corresponding regulatory minimums of 5 percent and
10 percent.