Economy demands new modes of transport
Public transport services in the country are yet in a pathetic state
despite of all sensational views, predictions and promises of the
authorities responsible. If the country is to achieve economic goals set
at macro level, addressing these issues is vital.
In addition to conventional public transport services, there are
other critical modes of transport that should be developed to cater to
the needs of a fast growing economy.
Taxi services is one such neglected area where a few individuals and
companies are struggling to provide a service without any support from
the government, municipal councils or other relevant authorities.
According to the operators, the authorities are obstructing this service
or discouraging them, instead of supporting them.
According to statistics our percapita GDP has doubled within the last
five years from $1000 to $2000 and the government says it will be
increased to $4000 in the next five years.
A rapidly increasing percapita income means the middle class of the
country is growing fast and therefore it is reasonable to expect a
domestic market for taxi services.
Because the consumption pattern of this new middle class is improving
and they are ready to shift from three-wheelers to luxury taxies.
Simultaneously, the government is expecting a boom in tourism in the
new chapter of the country's economic development.
The stake holders have paid attention on construction of hotels and
other aspects, but still transportation has not got their attention. The
views of the service providers are important to get an idea on the
present situation of the taxi services.
The Chairman of Radient AC Cabs Co. Pvt. Ltd. Vipula Perera said that
his company is ready to support the government's development initiative
by providing the service that the tourism industry demands.
"We are mainly providing services to corporate clients. All leading
banks and private companies are our clients.
According to Perera, the demand from local clients is increasing due
to many reasons. Mainly most of the companies now do not maintain their
own fleets of vehicles.
They outsource transportation and concentrate on core business
activities. This is cost effective and convenient for them.
Dense city traffic and lack of parking facilities in the Colombo city
is another factor that increases demand", Perera said.
Poor quality in all aspects of three-wheelers is another reason for
people to seek other options. We offer competitive rates with all
Quality of the service is the most important especially to attract
corporate clients. Radient deploys around 100 vehicles per day in the
Colombo city and clients can access the services through 2 556 556.
Radient taxies do not pick clients from streets and their service is
offered only through the call centre at the main office.
According to Perera, this restriction is a security measure to
maintain the quality of the service.
Perera said that taxi services should be regulated and a separate
unit should be set up in the Transport Ministry for this purpose.
The taxi charges, meters, discipline and qualification of the
drivers, the quality of the service has to be monitored and there should
be standards.
Taxi drivers should be able to communicate with foreigners.
They should be polite and helpful to tourists because the taxi driver
may be the first local person they deal with after they disembark and
their impressions on the hospitality of the country will begin with this
deal, he said.
Access restrictions to the airport and leading colombo hotels, non
availability of parking facilities in Colombo, multiple parking charges
by CMC are issues that hinder the growth of the service.
Colombo hotels maintain a monopoly and they restrict other taxies
entering into their premises. They charge high prices from tourists and
this should be stopped. We should study the taxi services in Singapore
and other countries and develop a suitable system for us, Perera said.
The taxi companies offer a good service as well and the rates have
become competitive with three-wheelers. For instance Ratient charges Rs.
60 per Km and it has a fleet of cars with AC and other facilities.
Charges are based on a running km on meter which does not count time
taken in traffic.
The company still practices security measures they introduced during
the war and maintains records of clients travelling in their taxies.
Oldest taxi company
The oldest taxi company still operating in the country is 011 2 588
588 Kangaroo Taxi Service.
The Director Operations of the company Thushara Fonseka explained his
experiences "We started the business in 1988 with 20 of our own vehicles
purchased on lease.
The business crashed due to high interest rates and high repair and
maintenance charges because revenue was not sufficient to cover cost.
We realised that the drivers do not take care of the vehicles and it
leads to high repair and maintenance costs.
Then we decided to get vehicles from private owners who bear fuel and
other costs. We provide business, maintain company rules and regulation
and charge commission from the revenue of the taxi.
This model was successful and today we have a range of vehicles
Kangaroo cabs, vans, buses and budget cabs.
Fonseka also said that the sector should be regulated. Kangaroo Cabs
has access to Colombo hotels because it has an agreement with hotels.
Kangaroo picks clients from streets and these customers account for 75
percent of the business.
Twenty five percent are corporate customers. His opinion on security
issues is different. He said the risk is not considerably high to lose
75 percent of his business.
Fonseka said that the demand for taxi services is increasing and
today even average people are using them because it is available at an
affordable rate.
This is also similar to super markets. Earlier only rich people
purchased goods from super markets and now poor or lower middle class
people too go to them, he said.
Kangaroo has an expansion plan to cater to the future demand and
expects a lot of business opportunities in the coming years. The
Government reduced the import duty on vehicles and this will help us to
increase our fleet. Leasing interest rates too have come down and now we
are rethinking of maintaining our own fleet.
Kangaroo too has its own system to maintain the quality of the
"Our drivers can speak English and they know all roads in Colombo
We train newcomers on the Colombo traffic system. We can reduce
Colombo city traffic if the Government encourages this service because
this is cost effective and convenient than driving one's own vehicle,"
Fonseka said.
The whole business depends on the taxi drivers and quality service
cannot be expected if they are not satisfied.
Ajith Kumara a taxi driver said that he is happy about the job even
though they do not enjoy labour rights, EPF or ETF. I earn
Rs.25,000-30,000 per month and in addition some clients offer tips. We
have 24 hours of duty and I am working every other day, he said. Taxi
services are mushrooming in every part of the country.
The common method is of pooling vehicles belonging to several
individuals and offering the service through the telephone. The service
provider charges a commission from the revenue.
Taxi vs three wheelers
Most of the taxi users we interviewed said they use taxies because
they do not like to travel by three-wheelers. Careless driving,
impoliteness, charging unfair rates are the common complaints against
To improve the service we have to study the system in other
countries. For instance in Singapore there are over 10 leading taxi
service companies with a fleet ranging from 500 cars to over 15,000
cars. They have online booking facilities as well.
Budget Taxi
The Budget Taxi is an initiative from three-wheeler drivers to
improve the quality of their service. General Secretary, All Island
Three-Wheeler Drivers' Union Kelum Jayasumana said that the union was
formed to find solutions to problems faced by them such as lack of
parking space in towns, conflicts with traffic police and security
issues faced during the war period.
"However, we later realised that we do not have anything to win from
the Government by protesting and that we must discipline ourselves and
improve the quality of our service.
The Budget Taxi was incorporated with the three-wheeler drivers who
agreed to join us and follow our rules and regulations we imposed on
ourselves in order to give a better quality service.
In a budget taxi three-wheeler we install a digital meter that counts
the running distance and we charge accordingly.
The drivers have been trained to maintain the standard of the
They should wear a uniform, strictly follow traffic rules and should
be polite to customers", Jayasumana said.
Jayasumana said that after the launch the business flourished and now
the company cannot cater the demand.
The budget taxi has corporate clients. It also picks clients from the
The majority of its business comes through its fully computerised
modern call centre in Boralesgamuwa via hot line 0117299299.
The budget taxi charges Rs. 50 for the first Km and thereafter Rs. 3
per each 100m.
The company charges Rs. 100 commission per day from a three wheeler
driver. Jayasumana said that a three wheeler driver earns over Rs. 2000
profit a day.
The service has expanded to Moratuwa, Galle, Kandy and Kurunegala
towns as well.
The business has expanded into new areas catering to the needs of the
three-wheeler service. Their 'budget gas' initiative to converts two
stroke three-wheelers to the use of the Gas.
Ministry of Environment has decided to remove over 250,000 two stroke
three-wheelers from roads.
The budget gas initiative has given relief to hundreds of thousands
of persons dependant on three-wheelers.
'Budget Spare Parts' is another move to provide three-wheeler spare
parts at lower prices. Jayasumana said that they import gas circuits and
spare parts from India and distribute them islandwide. |