Festival of Lights:
Triumph of good over

Millions of Hindus all over the world celebrate the festival of
Deepavalli, also known as the Festival of lights (Deepam means light)
every year. The festival usually occurs in the mid October to November
period. This year, Deepavalli falls on November 5.
Traditionally, Deepavalli is celebrated with the lighting of hundreds
of small earthen lamps which are then used to decorate houses, window
sills, and balconies, giving the night a very bright and colorful look.
Sri Lankan Hindus however, while celebrating Deepavalli, do not
generally light lamps as in the Indian tradition. They do this for the
later festival of Karthika Deepam, which will fall later in the month.
According to Hindu mythology, an evil demon called Narakasura, who
had long been causing a lot of trouble to the people, was finally killed
by God Krishna on this day. Thus Deepavalli signifies the triumph of
good over evil, which is why it is celebrated with a lot of light; the
lights symbolically depict the riddance of darkness or evil, and the
ushering in of a new age of happiness and light.
It is therefore a day of great festivity for the Hindus. They
celebrate by wearing new attire on this day, going to the temple and
visiting friends and family in the evenings, where the mothers have made
various sweets and snacks at home to celebrate as well as give the
guests. Special designs called kolams are also drawn with rice flour by
mothers and sisters at the house entrances.
not only serve as intricate and lovely designs to look at, beautify the
entrance and welcome the guests, but also serve as food for ants and
other insects, which is why they are drawn with rice flour.
Hospitality is thus extended to even the smallest and most humble of
Children as well as adults indulge in bursting firecrackers of
various shapes and sizes, to signify their jubilation. Deepavalli is the
celebration of a people who have long been suppressed by an evil demon
and who have at long last been released from his terrible power.
Darkness had been vanquished, light and joy have again come into the
world. And so, the entire mood of the day is one of jubilation and
-Thulasi Muttulingam