Greener hotels in the offing
by Jayampathy JAYASINGHE
The Switch Asia website was launched in Sri Lanka at the Ceylon
Chamber of Commerce (CCC) to help the hotel sector to be more
eco-friendly to maximise their profitability. The project is funded by
the European Commission.
CCC Managing Director Prema Cooray said the Switch Asia project will
benefit the small and medium sector of the hotel industry. "Today the
world is looking at organisations that fall in line with good business
practices. A time will probably come when those that do not follow these
practices will not in business any more," he said. He said the Switch
Asia project will provide free consultancy to hotels in the country.
Project Director, Greening Sri Lanka Hotels, Srilal Miththapala said
the primary objective of the project is to help hotels to improve
energy, water and waste management systems. Hotels will be able to
reduce the cost of operations by following these practices. "We have the
Travel Foundation of the United Kingdom as a partner in the project. It
is the largest group of UK travel agents. The project is named Greening
of Hotels in Sri Lanka."
He said the European Union is helping Asian countries to switch from
poor environmental practices to better ones. "We have a good mix of
partners like the Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority and Institute
of Environmental Professionals and an NGO that will bring their
expertise to the project." He said hotels have been viewed as energy
guzzlers due to poor air-conditioning plants and old kitchen equipment,"
Miththapala said.