Bonsai as a hobby
by M A Pemasiri
 We are surrounded by trees of various forms, and most of them are a
treat to watch. Older the trees, the more beautiful they are. They
acquire fascinating structural forms mostly due to the cruelty of
nature. Lives of trees are not always easy. Look at a natural forest.
The trees always fight for their existence, especially to get their
share of space, sunlight, water and nourishment. Their constant battle
for survival gives them, immense character. Hence we have so many forms
of trees, and learning to admire their beauty and studying them in
detail, is the first thing , which should be done by a Bonsai
In Bonsai, we create natural forms of trees, an a miniature scale,
using potted plants. It is important to study the details of the tree
forms, before embarking on creating Bonsai. In a good Bonsai, you should
get a good perspective of the entire tree, when it is viewed, specially
from the front.
A tree, while growing up sheds many "extras", and what is left are
the "essentials", which can withstand the pressure of the surrounding. A
well grown tree will have some exposed roots, flowing away from the
tree, along the ground, to give adequate stability. It will have a
balanced branch system, where leaves can get adequate sunlight. Lower
branches flow in a more horizontal direction, due to the excessive
length and self weight.
The wind pattern in a locality could also be a contributory factor to
the flow pattern of branches.
Selecting a plant and converting it to a beautiful miniature tree
could be the most satisfying experience for anyone who admires the
beauty of trees. Imagine having these beautiful forms in your garden or
room balcony, to be viewed every morning and evening.
What you need is developing the skills of the Art and practising it
with extreme care. It is like doing a sculpture, but in Bonsai, the
medium is a living plant, which makes it tricky, but more interesting.
The sculpture you create in Bonsai will keep on growing and changing,
which needs regular attention and maintenance, to keep it healthy and
With time, the plant can be even re-modelled to take a new look.
Creating a Bonsai requires concentration and immense patience, to
achieve good results. In a way it is a meditation exercise.
In Sri Lanka, we are blessed with good weather throughout the year,
and we have an abundance of trees and plants, which are good stock
material for Bonsai.
Many beautiful creations produced by members of The Sri Lanka Bonsai
Association will be on display at the National Art gallery from
November, 26-28 at the annual exhibition, "Reflections 2010". |