"Look after displaced children" says Minister

Children Development and Women’s Affairs Minister Tissa
Karalliyadde opens the childcare centre for the handicapped at
Achchuveli, Jaffna.
It is the responsibility of the Government and the people to look
after the welfare of children who were displaced due to the conflict,
said Child Development and Women's Affairs Minister Tissa Karalliyadde.
The loss of parents is irreparable. Children were the worst, affected
during the conflict, he said.
The Minister visited the Pedurutuduwa Children's home where nearly
350 children who lost their parents due to the conflict are housed under
the care of retired teachers and nurses.
'Gods own Children's Foundation' which runs the Pedurutuduwa
Children's home has opened another children's centre for handicapped
children at Achchuveli, Jaffna recently.
Thirty handicapped children will be accommodated at this
centre.Minister Karalliyadde said that he would provide assistance for
the child care centres in the Northern and Eastern provinces.
The children in IDP camps and those under probation care will also be
admitted to the childcare centres at the Pedurutuduwa and Achchuveli
childcare centres.