Academically and professionally qualified partner below 27 yrs is sought by G/B respectable parents living in New Zealand for their daughter (22 yrs, 5'5", slim, fair, pretty) professionally qualified Engineer currently employed in New Zealand. Please reply with family details, horosocpe and contact numbers to E-mail only. E-mail:
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified partner sought by Sinhalese G/B Doctor parents for their 24 year old pretty, smart daughter, B.Sc. Graduate currently reading for M.Sc. in Australia. Owns reasonable amount of assets. A 26-29 year old NS/TT living and working in Australia/UK preferred. Horoscope with birth details (date, time, city, country) and family details required. email :
[email protected]
Academically / professionally qualified kind and caring person living and employed in USA sought by respectable parents for very attractive, outgoing and athletic daughter aged 31 (height 5'6"), employed in an internationally renowned company in the west coast of USA. She holds two masters degrees and a basic degree in Engineering from American universities. A person living in Seattle, Washington and a Catholic is preferable. E-mail:
[email protected]
Academically / professionally qualified N/S, kind hearted sincere son less than 30 years, with sober habits and brought up with Sinhala Buddhist values is sought by respectable B/C - Govi parents residing overseas, for their pretty, fair, well-brought up daughter 24, 5'2". She is a final year tertiary student and works in a reputed Finance Company. Only brother professionally qualified Engineer working for an international company. Please respond with full family details, horoscope and contact details. Email: [email protected] Tel. 033-2223271.
Academically / professionally qualified partner below 31 years and above 5'8" is sought by G.B. parents in U.K. for their 26 year old doctor daughter with unblemished character. Reply with horoscope and family details. Email:
[email protected]
Academically / professionally qualified partner below 35 yrs. sought by Buddhist Govi parents for daughter 31 years 5'4" holds Degree, inherits two houses in Colombo suburbs and substantial assets, reply with horoscope and details. Email
[email protected]
Affluent Colombo parents B/G/K and brother Engineer US citizen seeks educated partner for sister 33 pretty CIMA qualified Executive with a foreign bank in Colombo. Caste immaterial, qualified for US residency assets over 75 million.
[email protected]
An academically and professionally qualified son who loves family life respects Sinhala Buddhist culture and from a respectable Govi Buddhist family, is sought by respectable Govi Buddhist professional family with means for their 32 yr. 5'4" pretty slim, very pleasant daughter, highly qualified lecturer in UK University, impeccable character may relocate here after a stint in UK parents please apply with full details and horoscope in the first instance strict confidentiality maintained
[email protected]
A pleasant well educated partner is sought by professional parents Southern origin, living in Battaramulla for their fair, slim & pretty, daughter 30+, 5.1 studied in leading school Colombo holding a Degree & Masters in Finance. Reply with horoscope & family details preferably to this email.
[email protected]
BG middle-class retired parents looking for academically professionally qualified kind handsome son below 30 for smart and pretty only daughter 25 - 5'2" having Australian Degree and Post Degree living, employed in Australia pending PR. Caste immaterial. Reply with horoscope in Sinhala or English.
[email protected]
Buddhist Govigama parents seek well mannered academically / professionally qualified son for their daughter, Accountant, 23 years, brought up with Sinhalese Buddhist values. She is educated at leading Girls School in Colombo and holds BBA (Accountancy) degree from National University of Singapore. Presently working & holding PR in Singapore. Please respond with family details, horoscope & contact details to:
[email protected] B-15820, C/o Sunday Observer, Lake House, Colombo. Buddhist Govi respectable well-connected parents seek suitable son for well-brought up pretty professional daughter with dowry, owns car worth 18 lakhs monthly Rs. 80,000 born 1970, 64".
[email protected]
Buddhist parents in Colombo looking for a son for their daughter 26, 5'4" fair pretty. Engineer entered engineering profession in USA, looking for an Engineer or a professionally qualified son below 30. Send all particulars with horoscope.
[email protected]
Buddhist parents seek professionally qualified marriage partner for pretty smart USA qualified only daughter 27 years working for a top company in NewYork. Reply with horoscope. Expected in December. Email - [email protected]
[email protected]
B/G Buddhist parents retired Govt. Service, brother seeks professionally qualified well employed partner age in the 38-45 for his professionally qualified well employed beautiful sister age 37, 5'5" now employed in Sri Lanka. Schooled at leading school in Kandy and read for an Economics special Degree at University of Peradeniya in English medium and worked for Canadian High Commission & a Multinational Company in Sri Lanka. For the past six years she was in UK worked for a reputed Company as a Wholesale Merchandiser. Caste religion, immaterial. Reply with family details and horoscope. TP. 081-2461195. Email [email protected] contact through Telephone after 07.00 p.m.
Catholic Sinhala parents in Australia seek a professionally qualified, loving
partner under 33 years with a good character, sober habits for our slim, fair,
pretty, Corporate Lawyer daughter. She is good natured, an avid reader, enjoys
theatre and has good values. Will be visiting Sri Lanka in early January. Please
reply with full details. Religion essential. Email:
[email protected]
B - 15918, C/o Sunday Observer, Lake House, Colombo. Christian Sinhalaese professionally qualified parents seek academically professionally qualified partner for their pretty fair slim 5'6" 23 yrs. daughter LLB (London) qualified in Attorneys. She inherits considerable assets.
[email protected]
Christian, kind hearted, educated partner preferably from USA / Canada sought by parents for daughter 29 years, committed Christian, Sinhalese, pretty, accomplished, well-educated professional, residing in USA with parents, visiting Sri Lanka end December this year. Please reply by email with contact phone number.
[email protected]
Colombo B/G parents seek educated suitbale partner for their daughter 5'3" height fair 33 years working as an Administrator in a leading company in Dubai. Reply with horoscope. E-mail -
[email protected]
Colombo well connected B/G parents seek professionally qualified partner for their daughter 33 yrs. 5'6" fair slim pretty working as a Senior Manager, divorced after 3 months of marriage. Rahu 7 No encumbrances caste immaterial.
Colombo, Buddhist Durawa business / educated parents seek a professionally / academically qualified son for their beautiful daughter holding a degree, 22 years 5'2" valuable assets. Reply with horoscope & family details.
Educated Govi Buddhist Kandyan parents seek a professional partner for their only beautiful daughter a doctor, 26 years, 5ft 4 1/2 inch, with an exemplary character studied at a leading Buddhist College in Colombo. Father a Company Executive Director and only brother is also a Doctor. Prefer a Doctor or Engineer with similar family background. Please send a copy of the horoscope with details. Email:
[email protected]
Educated partner sought by respectable Colombo family for attactive daughter, late twenties Australian citizenship, holds British professional legal qualifications, resident overseas for 14 years, now employed in Sri Lanka. Hindu Christian Tamil origin differences immaterial
[email protected]
Educated (professional / graduate / higher qualified) partner of preferably similar background is sought by overseas resident Sinhalese (K/C/B) parents for their professional daughter early 40s (5') medium complexion youthful and considered attractive divorced (innocent party) with no encumbrances, widows divorcees (innocent party) with no encumbrances will also be considered residents of USA, Canada UK and Australia preferred should be willing to migrate reply with full details and contact telephone number No. in first letter to
[email protected]
Father seeks a professional partner for his daughter 38, 5'4" slim fair much younger looking works as executive in a leading Airline overseas, visiting Sri Lanka in December. Reply with horoscope.
[email protected]
GB family seeks professional educated partner 40-50 yrs, British professional daughter 5'3" slim owns properties.
[email protected]
GB professional parents seek educated partner for daughter 35 Accountant (BSc/MSc) in Australia, very young looking fair pleasant 5'4"
[email protected]
Govi Bodu respectable parents seek a professionally qualified loving son for our educated beautiful daughter 32y, 5'3" height, divorced after unsuccessful marriage. She is currently living with parents and working as Manager - Marketing. If interested, please respond with horoscope and details.
[email protected]
Govi respectable professional in forties, slim, fair, attractive much younger looking seeks partner. Tel. 2850747.
Govi / Deva Buddhist mother Colombo seeks educated professional with good values for eldest of two daughters 30 5'3" pretty lawyer LLM (UK) B.A. working in Colombo. Reply with family details and horoscope.
[email protected]
G/B Colombo 32, 5'1" daughter, finish B.Sc. Masters and CIMA studied work at UK firm match to Rahu 7 horoscope.
[email protected]
Kegalle Buddhist Bathgama retired Teacher father seeks educated handsome good charactered partner with sober habits for daughter aged 36, 5'2" slim very pretty with good character BA, MA qualified reading for MPhil (Library Science) hoping to go abroad for Librarian post, those residing in Australia or willing to go preferred. Reply with horoscope and family details. Tel. 0112912372.
[email protected]
Radala Buddhist Australian parents seek a professionally qualified son for their pretty 26 year old daughter who is nearing her science degree in Australia, only genuine enquiries or son must be able to settle in Australia.
[email protected]
Respectable Buddhist Durawa / Govi professional parents seek a partner, doctor, accountant, engineer, senior bank executive or from a similar profession for their pretty, fair complexioned daughter 29.4 yrs. 5'5" tall, qualified in IT. (B.Sc, MBA). Employed in a private bank as an executive with a handsome salary. She owns a car and will inherit a three bedroom house in Colombo. Reply with family details. Differences over affluence not considered. Email:
[email protected]
Sinhala Buddhist parents living in UK seek a professionally qualified suitable partner with sober habits for their 25 year old doctor daughter practising in UK. She is pretty homely 5'4" and brought up in a traditional Sinhala Buddhist way. Please reply with details, preferably with horoscope. Email:
[email protected]
Sinhala Buddhist professional parents established in Australia seek academically professionally qualified well employed suitable partner with sober habits for pretty 24 year old well employed well qualified Engineer daughter who was brought up with Sinhala Buddhist values. Reply with horoscope and family details. Email :
[email protected]
Sinhala Catholic parents seek suitable partner from NZ or SL for daughter 29 years 5'7" working in Government Sector in NZ. EMail :
[email protected]
Sinhalese / Buddhist / Govigama retired government servant parents in Colombo suburbs seek suitably qualified, attractive, established partner for their academically and professionally qualified daughter (Lawyer) employed in the private sector, 42, 5'5" for early marriage. Willing to migrate, divorcees may respond. Differences immaterial. Please reply with complete details and contact numbers in first letter. Self replies are highly encouraged. Email :
[email protected] B-15635, C/o Sunday Observer, Lake House, Colombo. |