BDFI Dance Festival
Fifteen international dancers will stride the dance floor of Ceylon
Continental Hotel on 20th December 2010. to vie for the Open Belly Dance
Championship which is one of the highlights at BDFI Dance Festival 3.
These dancers arrive from Singapore, Malaysia, Iran, Japan, India,
Russia and Lebanon.
Another exciting segment is the Showcase Dance for children and
adults, where 40 competitors will compete for Juvenile, Junior and Open
Solo, Duo and Team segments.
The Juveniles and Juniors will vie for the Ritzbury Trophy while the
Open Segment is sponsored by Telepix Technologies Pvt Ltd., Kandy.
BDFI International Dance Festival 3 is held to celebrate 5 years of
dancing of the Ballroom Dancers Federation International Sri Lanka and
also to raise funds for The Differently abled Dancers.
The event which takes the form of a Dinner Dance is promoted by the
Sunday Observer and Daily News. More information could be had from 072
4244 962