CEA database for environmental management
The Central Environmental Authority (CEA) is conducting a survey on
industrial processes across the island.
After the survey a database will be developed by the Research and
Special Project Unit of the CEA, based on Geographical Information
Systems including all social and environmental information from these
The database will include information about environment systems such
as water bodies and forest cover, about culturally important places such
as schools, temples, archaeological sites and information about the
administrative setting of the area. The survey will see industries
divided into three categories as large, medium and small-scale.
Two types of industries have been identified within this
survey_industries which have obtained Environmental Protection Licence (EPL)
and operate upto recommended standards and industries which haven't
obtained EPL and violate environmental standards. Management of each
type of industry will take place in future. In 2010 more than 100 cases
were filed against industries operating without EPL. In 2009 also, a
large number of cases had been filed and most industrial owners had to
pay fines. Some of them were brought under the EPL process, some
industries were warned while some had to be closed down.