Solitaire crystal range launched
The House of Gifts, the chain of gift shops with outlets at
Dharmapala Mawatha, Dehiwela, Mt. Lavinia, Galle Road and Kandy, has
been stocking a fine collection of gifts and ornaments since its
inception. The latest member of the Macksons Holdings Group, the company
plans to expand its growing business islandwide.
House of Gifts recently launched their exquisite range of Solitaire
crystal ware. Hand-crafted with precision and care to reflect the true
beauty of crystal, Solitaire crystal ware meets global standards in
aesthetic forms and design. Solitaire crystal promises to be one of the
most admired gifts, with universal appeal and value.
“Solitaire crystal ware is the ultimate gift one can receive”, said
Head of Business Development for the House of Gifts, Nilrukshi de Silva,
“It is a true collector’s item, a gift of discernment.”
The launch was an occasion of celebration, and saw a unique laser
sound and light show that focused on the Solitaire crystal collection on
display, reflecting its beauty and radiance.
“We pick the very best because we understand what a customer wants in
a gift. A gift must reflect the giver’s feelings, an act of love and
affection,” said Nilrukshi.