Meeting Sathischandra Edirisinghe
In the current public scenario of Sri Lanka, felicitations are
We seem to be in a frenzy to pay tribute to a vast range of
Many of those singled out for that kind of honour, pre-eminently
deserve that distinction.
One of the most recent recipients of popular felicitations is
Sathischandra Edirisinghe.
If you ask me, this is an individual who should be felicitated on a
number of counts.
"Satis", as he is popularly known possesses a
high-profile-personality - 'high' in a whole series of senses. He is
quite tall in physique. He stands ramrod - straight. He is very much
'visible' in various meetings and gatherings. In an average crowd his
presence is prominent. Among activists for social, religious and
cultural causes, he is in the forefront.
He is endlessly busy, busy. He runs around as if pursued. As the
French would say, he is "l'homme engage" - a constantly involved
individual - a man of action.
His ways nudged me into a poetic mood. (Being poetic is rather rare
for me). Whatever that may be, here I go:
This man called Sathischandra Edirisinghe.
His head is topped with greyish hair,
Eagle-sharp, ultra-keen his eye
His goodness captures crowds as in a snair,
"Satish" is the moniker he is known by.
Edirisinghe |
Now, what kind of man is this Sathischandra Edirisinghe. He lives as
if surrounded by a large array of mirrors. Each mirror reflects a
different trait - a different facet.
To most people, he is an actor. It is generally assumed, that it is
his primary mode of personality - expression. In the field of art,
acting seems to be his predominant preoccupation. In the early days of
his thespian history, his main terrain was the legitimate theatre. In
that tentative initial era, he peeped towards popularity, through the
He inhabited the stage with ease and acceptable dexterity.
When electronic "Stages" - cinema and television - became the vogue
and the rage, Sathischandra Edirisinghe was quite ready for the
transition. He had what it takes, to be a film-actor and a television
personality. He had the essential experience and the proper attitude of
mind. His outstanding asset as an artiste, is his dedication to
discipline. He never settles for "anything goes" kind of
In cinema and television, he lives the role of "monk", as if it were
his birth legacy. His portrayals of monks are so authentic, that he is
now more-or-less type-cast in that role. After long years of appearance
as a monk, his acting career seems to have acquired the vague trace of a
sacred aura. Some of the well-known foreign directors, who selected
local artistes for some roles, noted Satish's efficiency in character -
portrayal. This earned him the opportunity to work with some
world-renowned film-makers.
Although there is the tendency to associate him, more-or-less
exclusively with acting, his talents have ramified into other fields as
In an eco-friendly exhibition, he focused on life giving 'Water'.
With the generous assistance provided by understanding patrons, he
converted his 'Water' exhibition into an impressive learning situation
both for children and adults. Today, Sri Lanka is forced to suffer
devastating eco-disasters, due mainly to the eco-crimes of some headless
members of society. Satish, has taken an initiative to popularize an
environment friendly style of life. This is a highly praiseworthy move.
When he was associated with the Mahaweli Development Authority,
Satish introduced a system to enhance the culture - component of the
Mahaweli Development Project.
He set up a task force under the title, "Mahaweli Cultural Force". He
took steps to provide a training initiative, to the young people in the
Mahaweli Development Zone, with a marked orientation towards the
preservation of indigenous culture.
In recent years, his services as compare and MC, have registered a
high demand. His intimate familiarity with the personnel in various
fields of art and culture in our country, has enabled him to function in
those capacities with an admirable elan.
His latest pre-occupation is the writing of a series of
pop-psychological booklets, guiding the readers towards positive
Viewed this way, this multi-faceted individual pre-eminently deserves
all the felicitations and tributes offered to him.
As a person he displays an admirable attitude of humility.
He is always ready to help and assist, if needed.
There is yet another facet to his personality.
He is a sought-after party-man. He can regale his intimate friends
with stories and anecdotes that, at times, teaser precariously on the
Sathischandra Edirisinghe is, above all, a good human being.