MAS reopens factory at Middeniya
by Sapumali GALAGODA
MAS Active Asialine a subsidiary of MAS Active a subsidiary of the
MAS Holdings Group reopened their factory at Middeniya in the Hambantota
District last week.
Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa, MAS Holdings Director Ajay Amalean and
other representatives from Mountain HardWare, Jokey International,
Columbia Sports Wear and the Staff of MAS Holdings were present.
Asia Kutoa established the company in 1999 and in February 2006 MAS
Active, a subsidiary of MAS Holdings took over.
"During the financial crisis most companies closed down but MAS
Holdings were able to continue their work and keep the factory as an
eco-friendly unit," said Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa.
MAS Active Asialine doubled their shifts in August 2010 and also
doubled their workforce to 1600.
The company has invested Rs 97 million for refurbishment with new
facilities and to create an eco-friendly environment.
"Five years have been completed from when MAS Holdings took this
company under its wings. After doubling the shift we have been able to
triple our productivity and have been able to give 800 jobs to
youngsters," said the Managing Director MAS Active Shirendra Lawrence.
The main buyer is Jokey. Others include Columbia, Nike and Polo.
The factory provides a host of facilities for its workers including
transportation,food, medical, uniforms, a fully air conditioned work
place, annual sports meets and trips.
The company's Women Go Beyond program has given sustainability for
the workers to maintain their families and skills developing.
"Health, safety, and compliance standards are the key areas when
starting a factory and MAS Active Asialine has achieved these," said the
Vice President Eastern Hampshire Sourcing Jokey International Carron
Among the MAS Active Asialine CSR activities are sponsoring sports
activities in Middeniya, providing of scholarships to students of the
area as well as donations to temples and hospitals in Middeniya.