Geo facts
Discovering forests
Forests are amazing places that should be protected over the
generations. However, over the years the extent of forests cover on
Planet Earth keeps changing due to increasing demands of the ever
growing human population.
most European countries were densely covered by forests but today very
few areas of protected forest cover remain. Two tropical forests many of
you are undoubtedly familiar with are the Amazon Rainforest and the
Sinharaja Rainforest.
Environmentalists, scientists and ecologists warn of the hazards
mankind could face through the destruction of forests, the world over.
So, let's check out some interesting facts about forests.
Different levels of vegetation
A forest is like a well organised community. Each plant occupies a
certain level or height. Ferns, shrubs, bushes and trees are well
arranged in tiers.
Unlike when trees grow on their own, in a forest environment trees
maintain a different growth pattern. Generally, the trunks grow higher
because their lower branches dwindle and die. Forestry techniques
promote the growth of tall, straight trees suitable for use as timber.
Type of trees
Each climate has its forest. Some forests consist of deciduous trees
such as oaks, birches and beeches.
Mountain forests and forests in northern countries consist of
evergreen conifers like pines, firs and spruces.
Tropical rain forest have hundreds of different kinds of trees some
of which are deciduous in the dry season.
Role of forests
Forests play an important role in the stability of the natural
They protect the soil from erosion.
The roots of trees hold the earth and sand together and prevent
erosion by wind and rain.
They purify the air
The atmosphere is purified by the release of oxygen from trees.
They affect the climate
Trees have a vital role to play in the water cycle which affects the
climate. Trees draw water from the ground through the roots and release
it as water vapour into the atmosphere. This contributes to the
formation of clouds.
Many species in the animal kingdom depend on trees for shelter and
even food.
They prevent floods
The trees in forests have the ability to quickly absorb the water
that gets into the soil. So, when water overflows a river bank, it can
often be absorbed by the trees before too much damage can be done.
Enemies of the forests
The forest has two main enemies. They are humans and fire.
Humans are responsible for:
* Over exploitation
* Felling of trees
* Not replanting cut trees
* Lack of conservation
* Setting fire
* Polluting forests
Forest fires which occur naturally or as a result of man's actions
have a devastating impact on forests and its animal inhabitants. Such
fires destroy acres of valuable forest cover impacting the climate of
the region.
Did you know?
* That acid rain (water mixed with polluted air) is very harmful to
* That entire forests can be destroyed by insects which sometimes
bore into barks or chew leaves?
* That each day up to 1,200 litres (1.057 quarts) of oxygen is
produced by 93 sq.m (1,00 sq. ft) of forests?
* That the age of a cut tree can be found by the number of rings
visible in a cross section of the trunk. |