Is extreme weather a result of Global
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil - In the past year, every continent except
Antarctica has seen record-breaking floods. Rains submerged one-fifth of
Pakistan, a deluge swamped Nashville and storms just north of Rio caused
the deadliest landslides Brazil has ever seen. Southern France and
northern Australia had floods, too. Then Sri Lanka, South Africa, the
list goes on.
no single weather event can be linked definitively to global climate
change, a growing number of scientists say these extreme events
represent the face of a warming world. "Any one of these events is
remarkable," said Jay Gulledge, senior scientist for the Pew Center on
Global Climate Change. "But all of this taken together could not happen
without the extra heat that's in the ocean. It defies common sense to
overlook that link."
That link works more or less like this. Concentrations of greenhouse
gases are the highest the Earth has seen in 15 million years. These
gases trap heat, warming both the air and the oceans. Warmer oceans give
off more moisture, and a warmer atmosphere can hold more of it in
suspension. The more moisture in the air, the more powerful storms tend
to grow. When these supercharged weather systems hit land, they don't
just turn into rain or snow, they become cyclones, blizzards and floods.
"There is a lot of tropical moisture in the atmosphere that is
getting transported over very long distances and is dropping out in
various places around the world in dramatic fashion," Gulledge said.
Last year tied with 2005 as the warmest on record, according to the
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. And floods in 2010
weren't the only extremes.
In Russia, 15,000 people died during a record heat wave.Australia
suffered its warmest summer on record. Pakistan witnessed its hottest
day in history, as did Los Angeles. The U.S. East Coast has struggled
under unusually heavy snows for two winters running. The Brazilian
Amazon suffered one of the worst droughts in its history. And even as
the Brazilian government recovered the bodies of those killed by record
storms in the state of Rio de Janeiro, it trucked drinking water to
cities in the north blighted by drought.
Weather like this matches the predictions of numerous recent climate
studies. In 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change noted
that severe droughts and heavy rains were already on the rise in many
parts of the world, and linked them to the surge in greenhouse gases. A
study published last year by the National Academy of Sciences predicted
an increase in heavy rainfall of somewhere between 3 and 10 per cent for
every Celsius degree of warming. Each additional degree would also cause
the amount of area burned by wildfires in North America to double or
quadruple, according to the same report."If you think it's bad now --
when we've had about 0.7 degrees Celsius of warming -- wait until we've
had 3 or 4," Gulledge said. "There's absolutely no reason to think it
will not continue getting worse and worse and worse."
Some scientists are starting to worry that natural weather patterns,
which played a role in some of the biggest recent flooding, are also
showing effects of human-driven climate change. This year's rainy season
in Australia is linked to a phenomenon called a La Nina, which occurs
when water in the equatorial region of the Pacific is cooler than
La Nina and its warm-water counterpart, El Nino, are part of a
natural pattern of ocean currents and atmospheric winds that
redistribute heat by moving it from one part of the world to another.
Even as La Nina and El Nino influence the overall climate, much like
organs in a body, they may remain vulnerable to system-wide shocks, said
Paul Mayewski, director of the Climate Change Institute at The
University of Maine.
So far scientists have found no definitive link between rising
greenhouse gases and changes to El Nino and La Nina events. But Mayewski
thinks that might be changing.
"This is a naturally occurring phenomenon," Mayewski said. "That
doesn't mean it can't be impacted by humans."
He is investigating whether greenhouse gases may have so disturbed
the balance of heat that natural patterns, like El Nino and La Nina, may
begin to speed up and intensify.
"We may very well be changing this El Nino-La Nina system much faster
and more radically," Mayewski said. "It's a naturally occurring system
that we may be giving a lot more push to."And, if he's right, that could
mean even less stable, more extreme weather in the foreseeable future.
For some agencies working to help countries prevent and recover from
natural disasters, there's no question that they're getting worse.
"There was never any doubt in our mind that, in reality, the
frequency and severity and number of people that were affected kept
increasing," said
Margareta Wahlstrom, the United Nations' assistant secretary general
for disaster risk reduction.
In an increasingly urbanised world, people, goods and infrastructure
are concentrated, meaning that each natural disaster has the potential
to cause an unprecedented amount of damage."The losses are increasing
very rapidly," Wahlstrom said. "Today is decision time. We know what the
risks are. We can see the trends."
With the effects of global warming already manifest, Wahlstrom said,
countries need to improve disaster preparation even as they negotiate to
cut emissions that cause the problem in the first place.
For a country such as Brazil, that means developing early warning
systems for heavy rains and better evacuation plans, as well as moving
people out of the most vulnerable neighbourhoods.
The government has pledged to do just that in response to the recent
tragedies. Tackling the problem after the fact is devastatingly
expensive. Officials in cities destroyed by the floods here say it will
take a decade and hundreds of millions of dollars to rebuild. And a
recent study predicts that a warming climate could cost Latin American
countries about one per cent of their GDP every year from now until
While natural disasters tend to be more deadly in developing
countries, this last year has shown extreme weather can strike planet-wide."The
attitude that many of us probably have lived with for decades, because
we've lived in fairly safe countries, is that disasters are something
that happens to others," Wahlstrom said. "That is no longer viable.
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