Thick disc of older stars
Andromeda Galaxy
An international team of astronomers has identified for the first
time a thick stellar disc in the Andromeda galaxy, the nearest large
spiral galaxy to our own Milky Way.
discovery of the thick disc, a major result from a five-year
investigation, will help astronomers better understand the processes
involved in the formation and evolution of large spiral galaxies like
ours, according to the team, which includes UCLA research astronomer
Michael Rich and colleagues from Europe and Australia.
Using the Keck Telescope in Hawaii, the astronomers analysed the
velocities of individual bright stars within the Andromeda Galaxy and
were able to observe a group of stars tracing a thick disc , distinct
from those comprising the galaxy's already-known thin disc, and assessed
how these stars differ from thin-disc stars in height, width and
Approximately 70 per cent of Andromeda's stars are contained in the
galaxy's thin stellar disc. This disc structure contains the spiral arms
traced by regions of active star formation, and it surrounds a central
bulge of old stars at the core of the galaxy.
“From observations of our own Milky Way and other nearby spirals, we
know that these galaxies typically possess two stellar discs, both a
'thin' and a 'thick' disc,” said Michelle Collins, a doctoral student at
the University of Cambridge's Institute of Astronomy, who led the
study.The thick disc consists of older stars whose orbits take them
along a "thicker" path - one that extends both above and below the
galaxy's thin disc.
"The classical thin stellar discs that we typically see in Hubble
imaging result from the accretion of gas towards the end of a galaxy's
formation, whereas thick discs are produced in a much earlier phase of
the galaxy's life, making them ideal tracers of the processes involved
in galactic evolution," Collins said.
The formation process of thick discs is not yet well understood.
Previously, the best hope for understanding this structure was by
studying the thick disc present in our own Milky Way. However, much of
our galaxy's thick disc is obscured from view. The discovery of a
similar thick disc in Andromeda presents a much clearer view of spiral
structure.Astronomers will be able to determine the properties of the
disc across the galaxy and will search for signatures of the events
related to its formation, the researchers said.
"Our initial study of this component already suggests that it is
likely older than the thin disc, with a different chemical composition,"
said UCLA's Rich, who was the principal investigator at the Keck
Observatory for the observations.
“More detailed observations in the future should enable us to unravel
the formation of the disc system in Andromeda, with the potential to
apply this understanding to the formation of spiral galaxies throughout
the universe."
"This result is one of the most exciting to emerge from the larger
parent survey of the motions and chemistry of stars in the outskirts of
Andromeda,'' said Scott Chapman of the Institute of Astronomy at
Cambridge. "Finding this thick disc has afforded us a unique and
spectacular view of the formation of the Andromeda system and will
undoubtedly assist in our understanding of this complex process."
Courtesy: Science Daily