Oriental Music Orchestra :
Towards preserving diverse artistic legacy
Institute of Human Excellence (IHE), Aru Sri Art Theatre and the
National Youth Services Council together with the support and advice of
the steering committee and advisory board will form the Sri Lanka's
first multi-ethnic youth orchestra, showcasing the diverse ethnic and
regional musical traditions that exist in the country. The project is
funded by Royal Norwegian Embassy and Concerts Norway, under the Music
cooperation between Norway and Sri Lanka.
The "Oriental Music Orchestra" project aims to bring talented
youngsters from different ethnic groups in Sri Lanka i.e. Sinhala,
Tamil, Muslim and Burgher artists, to perform together, respect each
other's culture, to have a better understanding of diverse musical
traditions, to develop their talents and to get the feeling of oneness.
About 37 oriental music instruments have been identified and with the
support and training of veteran artists, 100-125 youth will perform in
the orchestra in Colombo in September.
The specific objectives of the project is to provide an opportunity
for the young artists from remote areas, give them a standard training,
an exposure to learn and work with senior artists of Sri Lanka and also
to learn and respect different traditions of music and culture which is
prevailing in Sri Lanka. The Oriental Music Orchestra calls applications
for prospective senior artists and young artists who will then be
selected as instructors and performers by the advisory board of members.
Kalasoori Arunthathy Sri Ranganathan is the Artistic Consultant,
together with a group of eminent artists Dr.(Mrs).Nirmala Kumari
Rodrigo, Shasthrapathi Kumara Liyanawatte, Somasiri Ileysinhe, S.
Mahendran, Wijeratne Ranatunge, Dr.(Ms) Balambigai Rajeswaran, and
Piyasara Silpathipathi who serve as the members of the Advisory
The instruments for the oriental music Orchestra include the Sitar,
Sarangi, Sarod, Flute-Hindustani, Violin-Hindustani, Harmonium, Tabla,
Esraj, Dilruba, Mohan Veena, Packwaj, Santhoor, Kol, Dolki, Gata Bera,
Pahatharata Bera , Sabaragamuwa Bera, Thavil, Naathaswaram, Uddukkai,
Veena, Miruthangam, Parai, Urumi, Thappu, Muharsingh, Ganchira, Kadam,
Suththamaththalam, Kottu vathiyam, Murasu, Kombu, Pullangulal-Carnatic,
Violin-Carnatic. All applications from the veteran artists and
performers should be sent to " Oriental Music Orchestra", 3, Ridgeway
Place, Colombo 04 Email:[email protected].
Crosster Ritmico

The Brass Band of Holy Cross College, Gampaha will present Crosster
Ritmico; an evening filled with musical entertainment displaying vocal
and instrumental talents of students from various schools. It will be
held at the college grounds on March 20 at 4 p.m.
Sirinagayan samaga sinthatic susanaya

Wasantha Namaskara's 82nd exhibition of paintings entitled
'Sirinagayan samaga sinthatic susanaya' will be held on March 13, 14 and
15 at the Uva Province Library's Art Gallery.