March 22 World Water Day
The United Nations' (UN) World Water Day is held on March 22 each
year. Events are organised on or around this day to increase people's
awareness of water's importance in environment, agriculture, health and
trade. World Water Day aims to increase people's awareness on water's
importance in life.
What do you intend to do to conserve water? Every one of us is
responsible for the looming water crisis in the world and it is time we
stopped wasting water and took measures to save every drop of it.

The UN designated day to focus our attention on the need to conserve
world water resources and the impending crisis that could arise from a
severe shortage of it in the future is two days away. However, we need
not wait for a World Water day to come around to act in a responsible
manner to protect and conserve the water resources of our country.
This year the theme for World Water Day is 'Water for cities:
responding to the urban challenge' aims to spotlight and encourage
governments, organisations, communities and individuals to actively
engage in addressing the defy of urban water management.
The objective of World Water Day 2011 is to focus international
attention on the impact of rapid urban population growth,
industrialisation and uncertainties caused by climate change, conflicts
and natural disasters on urban water systems. The UN General Assembly
adopted a resolution on December 22, 1992, declaring March 22 to be the
World Day for Water each year. Countries were encouraged to develop
activities to highlight local needs for water. The first World Day for
Water was observed in 1993.
The Water for Life Decade was launched on World Water Day in 2005.
This decade runs from 2005 to 2015 and gives a high profile to women's
participation and the UN's water-related programmes.
Agenda 21 is a worldwide action plan for areas where human activities
may affect the environment. It was adopted at the UN Conference on
Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 1992.
Agenda 21 recommended various measures, including creating World Water
Day. |