Singer launches PowerMax+
by Sapumali GALAGODA
Singer launched a new wireless security system, PowerMax+ from
Visonic, the world's first manufacturer of wireless security systems,
last week in Colombo. "PowerMax+ security system from Visonic is suited
for home and office environments.
Izi Amado explains the features of the
system to Asoka Peiris
Pic: Kavindra Perera |
The new outdoor motion detector is powered by extremely sophisticated
technology and is able to differentiate various types of movement,
distinguishing between human movement, falling branches and other
natural motions and the movements of pets, ensuring reliable detection
of real threats", said Sales and Marketing Director of Visonic, Izi
He said that they have a presence in over 100 countries and the
biggest growth is from residential customers.
Amado said that this system was developed after eight years of
It was manufactured in Israel and was built to the highest
manufacturing quality standards using ISO 9001 certified process. Users
can program up to four telephone numbers into the PowerMax+ so that when
a threat is detected and the system is triggered, it will immediately
alert those numbers either through an automated call or a text message.
Visonic established in 1973 is a company based, in Israel, and is the
world's leading manufacturer of wireless security systems. They produce
over two million systems every year in more than 100 countries including
China, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and have over 90 registered
CEO of Singer Asoka Peiris said that Singer introduced a home
security system in 2006. Singer has doubled its share and sales revenue
from 2008 to 2010, a 100 percent increase.
He said that security systems were a very small part of the Singer
business but in the future it will be a medium line. Singer covers the
entire island and has seven regional service centres and more than 100
service franchise agents.