Unilever hosts Supply Chain Business Partner event
The Supply Chain Business Partner (SCBP) event hosted by Unilever Sri
Lanka at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel in January brought together the
company's supply chain team and their business partners. It was the
first time such an event was held to host and felicitate the company's
leading suppliers.
At the event, Unilever Sri Lanka shared business strategies and
future plans with the business partners to facilitate their involvement
and enhance their input to the overall business.
The key objective was to ensure that the SCBP's are aligned with
Unilever Sri Lanka's business strategies and deliverables so that the
partnership is rendered more effective. Business partners (BPs),
including raw and packing material suppliers and outsourced
manufacturing operations personnel attended.
The highlight of the evening was the awards ceremony at which awards
were presented in recognition of outstanding work delivered by the BPs
during 2010.
Partners were evaluated throughout 2010 by means of a vendor
evaluation scheme for both packaging materials and outsourced
manufacturing sites for quality, timely delivery and customer service.
Suppliers were also rated on their compliance with Unilever Goods
Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and their overall contribution to the
company's enhancement.
In 2010 the Unilever supply chain team also worked with their BPs to
upgrade them to the highest rating they could achieve in accordance with
the standards of the company.
The result was gratifying, as Unilever Sri Lanka bestow an "A" rating
on seven of their BPs.
Outsourced manufacturing BPs were rated on Quality, Safety, Health
and Environment, and Customer Service.
A systematic process of auditing has ensured that the BPs complied
with standards related to these categories, with optimum benefits to
Unilever and their customer base.