Our success in re-settlement
By Prof. Rajiva WIJESINGHE

The manner in which demining was carried out, with the Sri
Lankan government bearing the bulk of the expenses
The following article was written in May 2010, and records the speed
with which resettlement had taken place. It notes that the concerns
earlier expressed by those who had been hostile to Sri Lanka proved
unnecessary, but that our success in resettlement then spawned
accusations that we were going about it too quickly. The manner in which
demining was carried out, with the Sri Lankan government bearing the
bulk of the expenses, with some swift and well targeted support from
India, testifies to our concerns about speed, whereas initially we were
accused of using the need to demine as an excuse to delay resettlement.
Rapid Turnovers
The recent rapid progress with regard to resettlement of the
displaced from Welfare Centres is immensely welcome. It is also
indicative of a coherent planning process that was carried out without
concern for disruptive pressures that took no account of national needs.
Thus until May 2009 it was obvious that government had to be
extremely careful about the possibility of an LTTE resurgence in the
Vanni. With the destruction of the main LTTE leadership that danger
seemed less intense, but there was continuing need for vigilance,
particularly in the context of some countries trying to privilege the
rump of the LTTE that remained abroad. Though that danger too seemed
less with the arrest of Mr Pathmanathan, the determination of that rump
to resurrect separatism, and therefore the further risk of terrorism,
meant that care was still necessary. We had to keep checking as to
whether there were enough hardcore experienced activists amongst the
displaced to promote an LTTE resurgence.
Security matters
Though the checking seemed slow, it was obviously absurd for anyone
not involved in security matters to second guess those in authority in
this regard. But whilst the checks were being conducted, planning for
resettlement was proceeding apace, with even the Mullaitivu and
Kilinochchi District Secretariats working on selecting and readying
sites from as early as June 2009.
In any case the deadline the government had set itself remained
steady, except only that the initial assumption that the bulk would be
done by December shifted to January.
Indications that speed was considered of the essence came with the
decision of the government to buy demining equipment at what seemed
tremendous expense. Earlier it had seemed that agencies, provided with
funds for this purpose under what was termed the Common Humanitarian
Action Plan, would expedite the process but this did not happen. The
Indian government then intervened, with substantial assistance, but even
this was not enough and so government, despite economic constraints,
committed its own funds.
This precipitated more donor support, which had been grudging
That had contributed to the suspicion that some at least of what is
called the international community were not as anxious about the
resettlement process as had been made out. I was vastly amused for
instance when the head of an international NGO, who I thought would be
as delighted as I was about the swift pace of resettlement, expressed
worry about the conditions that awaited those going back.
Humanitarian concerns
When I pointed out that this was not what had been proclaimed by the
internationals (and nationals) who professed humanitarian concerns six
months ago, he seemed to me to blush. Still, I have no doubt there are
others brazen enough to pretend to forget that previously we were
accused of making excuses when we stressed the need for basic
infrastructural development before resettlement could proceed.
Similarly there were then concerns expressed about the efficacy of
the demining process, whereas earlier it was claimed that we were using
the danger of mined areas as an excuse. Some months earlier I had indeed
heard some foreigners citing confidently the claims of opposition
politicians that particular areas were free of mines and could be
rapidly resettled.
The evidence presented to us however, and granted by the demining
agencies, was that those areas were amongst the most dangerous, given
LTTE tactics during the last desperate days.
It was thus vastly entertaining to see the contortions to which some
resorted, in order to avoid giving credit where credit is due. Indeed
the achievement of the Northern Task Force is the more remarkable, in
that it was accomplished through national planning and implementation.
Even though more enlightened donors, in particular multilateral lending
agencies and countries committed to the welfare of a united pluralistic
Sri Lanka, have contributed generously, the concepts were emphatically
Sri Lankan.
Welcome change
This is a welcome change from the days in which donors and their
agents believed they were the decision makers as far as Sri Lanka went.
Over the last couple of years we had to resist this, to get rid of an
irregularly established entity called the Inter Agency Standing
Committee that had arrogated to itself responsibility for the CHAP, to
change the idea that aid agencies held the balance between a
democratically elected government and a bunch of terrorists.
In that regard the work in the East showed the way, with rapid
resettlement and redevelopment, but then it was argued that that was
easy to deal with but the North would be more difficult.
That the East was easy is not so obvious, and the achievements there
should not be forgotten. But the work now of the Northern Task Force, in
ensuring basic infrastructure and expediting the demining process, must
also be seen in terms of a restoration of the sovereignty that a few
elements in the international humanitarian community thought they had
erased.Perhaps there is a parallel here with the extraordinary
achievement of the armed forces in eliminating the LTTE from the North.
The liberation of the East was also remarkable, but it could be
argued there that the terrorists had somewhere else to go and did not
fight so hard.
We were also immeasurably helped there by the support of those in the
LTTE who understood the dead end represented by terrorism, and who
decided to move towards pluralistic democracy.
But we had after that to deal in the North with an appalling hard
core, not only fighting our troops with every trick at their disposal
but also capable of inflicting enormous suffering on civilians, if only
to persuade the world that we were responsible for this. Unfortunately
there are signs now of assaults of a very different sort from the
international humanitarian community, and one can only hope that they
will not be quite so desperate in guarding their privileges.
But hearteningly there are signs that most agencies that held
absolute sway till recently have adapted to reality and understand the
importance of working with government. It is more entertaining then than
dangerous to hear allegations that we were too precipitate, and not
concerning ourselves about the welfare of our citizens in expediting
I believe we have now made it clear that we will not succumb any
longer to the claim that only agencies without accountability to our
people are really concerned about the difficulties our own citizens
might face. The East was liberated more quickly than was thought
possible, it was also resettled, leading the most evil of the
international agencies to talk of forced resettlement.
Now that the North has been thus liberated, at tremendous sacrifice,
now that it is being rapidly resettled too, we can only hope there will
no more insidious attempts to disrupt the process. |