Self-discipline for road safety, a must
During the last three decades, since 1977, more than 40,000 people
died and nearly 370,000 injured out of which 68,440 were serious. Am I
talking about the damage caused by the 30-year-old conflict? No, I am
not. These are statistics on road accidents, released at the recently
held conference hosted by the National Road Safety Council.
The data also revealed that around 150 accidents are reported daily
in Sri Lanka, causing death to five to six people. This is not a problem
faced only by the Sri Lankans; almost 1.3 million people around the
world die each year from road accidents.
Taking this rise of accidents into consideration, many countries of
the world including ours, have declared a Global decade of Action for
Road Safety in 2011-2020.
The road accidents are under the spotlight, making it the perfect
time to discuss the causes. Negligence plays a key role in causing
accidents although not the eventual.
Ill disciplined pedestrians and drivers also deserve the blame. The
Gazette Announcement 486/8 issued by the Sri Lanka Government on
December 29, 1987, established a set of best practices the pedestrians
and drivers need to follow. Unfortunately, only a few know these
practices and even those who know rarely puts those into practice.
Therefore, we decided to enlighten you gradually on the rules suggested
by the gazette announcement. After all, this is simply common sense that
we all should have.
Pedestrians - The discussion about safety of the pedestrians, always
give priority to children. The parents need to be watchful when their
children use the road. Never allow them to play on the road.
As a rule of thumb, keep children away from the moving traffic while
walking. From their tender age, teach the safety road rules and develop
the habit of following those.
Pedestrians should always use footpaths or pavements, if provided.
Using the footpath also needs you to follow few rules; avoiding covering
the full width of the pavement while walking tops this list. Haven't you
ever faced these types of pedestrians in your life? How did you feel? I
am sure you did not feel great!
Further, pedestrians should note that the roads are for the primary
use of the motor traffic. Therefore, they should offer priority to motor
They also should take caution while walking on the dimly lit roads,
especially at night. If there is no footpath, it is advisable to wear
light colours and carry something white, which will help the drivers to
spot you easily at night.
When a pedestrian needs to cross the road, look for a pedestrian
crossing, overhead bridge or an underground crossing.
A crossing within 50 metres wants the pedestrian to cross from there.
While crossing, stop and check for motor traffic until you get a safe
As we learnt as children, "Eyes right! Eyes left! Eyes right once
Then, if the road is, clear. Quick march! Don't rush! You may cross
the road for there's nothing now to fear." You are safe on the road, if
you follow this rhyme. Crossing - in an instance when motor traffic and
pedestrians coincide, needs the attention of the drivers and the
Following the rules, ease the life of both the parties. Crossing
behind or ahead of parked vehicles is fatal, especially after getting
down from the bus, as this causes many accidents. Many main roads have
security fences along the road. Always choose to use a dedicated gap of
the fence, when a pedestrian enters the road, instead of jumping over.
After all, who wants to end with a broken bone instead of walking few
steps? Fences guard the pedestrians. Therefore, never bypass and walk on
the road.
An intersection is an idyllic example for intricate traffic plans.
Motor vehicles come in every direction. Therefore, pedestrians need to
be cautious at these places. Since, most junctions provide narrow
footpaths or the footpath might be absent. When you start to cross the
road at pedestrian crossing, allow the driver sometimes to see you, and
lower the speed before stopping.
Pedestrians on the crossing, merely obliges the driver to stop. The
pedestrians need to be extra cautious if the road is dark or wet. At
points where traffic signals control the motor traffic and the
pedestrians, do not dare to cross when the red man is on.
If a control button is available, press and wait for the green man.
The duration between the red man and the green man is hardly two
minutes. So why be restive and prefer colliding on a vehicle rather than
waiting for two minutes? It is your preference. In the end, you are
periling your life. Never try to cross when the green man blinks, which
signals the pedestrian, to 'hurry.'
We play the role of the pedestrian in our daily routines. Follow this
set of best practices and make others lives easier. Next week, we hope
to bring you another episode of rules on courtesy driving dedicated for
bicycles and motor vehicles. Let us do our duty to lessen accidents.