Thirty three Lankan students to write programs for Google
Google has published a statistical breakdown of the students accepted
to participate in this year's 'Google Summer of Code' (GSoC) event.
According to a 'post' by Stephanie Taylor on the Google Open Source
Blog, the final total of 1,115 students includes participants from 68
countries, slightly down from 69 last year, Google received more than
5,650 applications from 3,731 students in 97 countries.
The three countries with the highest number of accepted students for
the 2011 event are the United States with 191 students, followed by
India with 182 and Germany with 65; these are the same top three of last
year. China (65) and Poland (48) rounded out the top five. Finishing off
the top 10 were Brazil (46), Romania (45), Russian Federation (41),
France (33) and Sri Lanka (33). All other countries, including the UK
and Canada which made it into last year's top 10, accounted for the
remaining 380 students.
Taylor notes that, for the 2011 contest, there are 6 countries which
haven't previously been represented in GSoC: Cambodia, Georgia,
Guatemala, Kyrgyz Republic, Rwanda and Uruguay. The 'community bonding
period, during which the students will become familiar with their
organisations' processes, developer interactions and codes of conduct,
will end on May 23 when the coding will officially begin.
Each year Google seeks students and mentors to take part in its
annual GSoC event, which takes place over three months. GSoC offers
university students stipends to write and develop code for various open
source projects. Over the past six years, 4,500 students from more than
85 countries have completed the GSoC program with support from over 300
mentoring organisations. - Google