King Buddhadasa:
The king who treated a snake
by Premasara EPASINGHE
A physician is a doctor specialised in treatment other than surgery.
Treatment of injuries or diseases by cutting or removing parts of the
body or surgical operation is performed by a surgeon. The diseases and
injuries of animals, veterinary medicine studies is done by a veterinary
surgeon. He is a person who is skilled in the treatment of animal
diseases and injuries.
Our proud history, which is recorded in Mahavamsa gives a
comprehensive report, relative to Sri Lanka rulers and their
Turning the pages of Mahavamsa, we come across many colourful and
unforgettable characters and personalities.
One of them is a physician, surgeon, veterinary specialist all rolled
in to one. He is Buddhadasa, the pious Buddhist King, who ruled Sri
Lanka from 340-368 AD. He is the 57th ruler of Sri Lanka. His personal
history is always worth recording and narrating, because, it is very
rarely that we come across this kind of brilliance in a ruler of a
country. Even as a person, Buddhadasa displayed a certain trait that may
well astonish modern historians.
King Buddhadasa was the son of King Jettatisa, (331-340 AD) who was
famous for artistic skills.
He was an expert in fine arts, especially carving ivory. This was his
favourite pastime. He ruled Sri Lanka for nine years. After his demise,
Buddhadasa ascended the throne.
Unique ruler
Mahavamsa describes Buddhadasa as a “Mind of virtue and an ocean of
gems”. He was the only Sri Lankan King, who excelled in medicine,
surgery and veterinary science. According to Rajavaliya, Buddhadasa’s
royal clan was known as “Bujas” Going through Mahavamsa, we come across
many, unbelievable, fantastic stories woven round King Buddhadasa, which
I presume, will be interesting reading for our physicians, surgeons,
anaesthetists, medical consultants, specialised men of veterinary
sciences as well as the general public.
A bhikkhu who went about begging in a village called Thusarettika in
the Anuradhapura District. He partook dry boiled rice containing worms.
He fell sick. King Buddhadasa treated the monk.
One of the kings, guards rushed into Royal palace and informed him
that one of the horses in the palace stable had suddenly taken ill.
After examining the Buddhist monk, he rushed to treat the horse. A minor
surgery was performed on the animal. The king collected the horse’s warm
blood into a basin. He rushed back to treat the monk, taking with him a
cup of blood collected from the horse. He gave the monk the blood of the
horse to drink.
After a few minutes the king told the monk that what he drank was the
blood of a horse.
The monk started vomiting and threw out the putrid milk and worms.
According to Mahavamsa the King saved both the monk and the horse.
There are two other interesting incidents recorded in the Mahavamsa.
In one instance the king extracted parasites from a human body.
A villager who had drunk water from a well accidentally swallowed the
spawn of a water snake.
It began to grow internally and the villager was in a pain. King
Buddhadasa kept him on a low diet for a week. The patient was well
bathed and anointed and laid on a comfortable bed. Very soon the patient
fell into a deep sleep with his mouth wide open. The king kept a piece
of raw meat tied to a string into his mouth.
The little snake attracted by its smell, crept out and sised it and
was about to with draw into the body. The king at once pulled the snake
with a string and placed it in a basin of water.
Brain surgery
King Buddhadasa, once performed a brain surgery. Once the spawn of a
frog had entered the nostrils of a man who was drinking water. Soon it
developed into a tadpole. To remove it the king performed a brain
surgery and saved the life of the patient.
One day when King Buddhadasa was on a visit to a Putthabhaya Vihara
in close proximity to Tisawewa, Anuradhapura, he spotted a huge snake,
wriggling and rolling on an ant-hill, apparently suffering from acute
The King descended from the royal elephant and told the snake, “I
will cure you. How can I touch you and treat you? On hearing this the
snake thrust his head into a hole.
The king then cut open the belly of the snake and performed an
As a token of appreciation, the snake gave him an invaluable gem
known as Siyaminiruwana. The king donated the gem to Abahayagiri Vihara.
He built many hospitals and appointed medical officers.
Further he appointed veterinarians to cure animals. King Buddhadasa
established hospitals along the main roads for the benefit of disabled
He emulated Jeevaka the renowned physician who lived during the time
of The Buddha.
King Buddhadasa was also a erudite scholar and a man of literature.
He composed a medical treatise known as “Sarathasangrha”.