Lumbini - the birth place of Prince Siddhartha
Asoka, the great Mauryan Emperor, (273 B.C. - 232 B.C.) who sought
solace in Buddha Dhamma, after witnessing the horrors of Kalinga War,
visited Lumbini in 250 B.C., and worshipped in person the sacred spot
where the Buddha was born. The chronicle states:
Arriving at Lumbini, Upagupta, the spiritual guide of Emperor Asoka,
extended his right hand, and said to Asoka, "Here, O Great King, the
Thathagatha was born'. Asoka, with overwhelming joy and deep-devotion,
prostrated before the Holy Tree, under which the Lord was born. He also
caused to be built a stone wall around the holy tree and erected a
pillar to commemorate his visit.
Lumbini is near Siddhartha Nagar (Bhairawa) in the area now known as
Rummindei in Nepal just 10 km from the Indo-Nepalese border touching the
district Basti in Uttara Pradesh.
This Buddhist site is the birth place of Prince Siddhartha in the
B.C. 6th century. It has been identified with the pillar inscription
which was erected by the emperor Asoka who visited the site of
Rummindei. He visited there in 250 B.C. and worshipped in person the
sacred spot where the prince Siddhartha was born. The chronicles states:
Arriving at Lumbini Upagupta the spiritual guide of emperor Asoka
extended his right hand and said to Asoka "here O great king, the
Thathagatha was born". Emperor Asoka with overwhelming joy and deep
devotion prostrated before the sacred tree under which the prince
Siddhartha was born. He also erected a pillar to commemorate his visit
to Rummindei.
About (1000) thousand years after the birth of Buddha, Fa-hian the
first Chinese Buddhist pilgrim visited Lumbini in A.D. 406 and saw the
first sacred tree under which prince Siddhartha was born. Fa-hian also
saw the bathing tank of the Sakyas where the mother of Siddhartha,
Mahamaya had taken a bath. The other Chinese Buddhist pilgrim Hiuen
Tsang who visited Lumbini in A.D. 637 gives a very fair account of what
he saw the sacred site.
The emperor Asoka was the third King of the Kingdom of Mayuras in
Maghada and his inscriptions can be broadly divided into two categories
- those engraved on rocks and those incised on pillars of stone.
The rock inscription fall into three groups - Minor Rock Edicts, Rock
Edict and Cave inscriptions. The Pillar Inscriptions may be classified
under three sub-divisions-Minor Pillar Edicts, Pillar Inscriptions and
Pillar Edicts.
There are two Pillar Inscriptions of Asoka discovered in the Nepalese
Tarai to the North of the Basti District of Uttar Pradesh.
The first of these stands here the temple of Rummindei in the
vicinity of the village of Parariya which is about 3 km from the head
quarters of the Bhaghavan Pur Tashil in Nepal and about 8 km from Dulla
in the Basti District. The other inscribed Pillar stands on the bank of
a large tank called Nigali Sagr near the village of Nigaliva about 21 km
to the North-West of Rummindei. The first was a sacred place owing to
the fact that the Prince Siddhartha was born there.
The meaning of Rummindei Inscription is as follows:
"Twenty years after his coronation, King Priyadarsi, Beloved of the
gods visited this spot in person and offered worship at this place,
because the Buddha, The Sage of the Sakya was born here. He caused to
build a stone wall around this place and also erected this stone pillar
to commemorate his visit. Because the Buddha was born here, He made the
village of Lumbini free from land revenue and subject to pay only
one-eighth of the produce as tax instead of the usual rate".
This is evidence to show that Lumbini continued to attract pilgrims
up to A.D. 12 century.
Thereafter it was completely engulfed by jungle and lay buried until
the 19th century.
This sacred Buddhist site was discovered by Dr. Alois Anton F here, a
German Archaeologist in 1985.
The writer is a former Archaeological Assistant Director of the
Department of Archaeology.