PAQS Congress 2011 :
Cost management - demanding function emerging from adversity
The Pacific Association of Quantity Surveyors'(PAQS) Congress 2011
was held last week in Colombo with delegations from 23 countries
participating. The Congress was organised by the Institute of Quantity
Surveyors, Sri Lanka (IQSSL) on the theme was 'Cost Management in a
World Emerging from Adversity'.
Deputy Minister of Finance Gitanjana Gunawardana said that the theme
was important to Sri Lanka as the country is emerging from 30 years of
Resettlement of almost 300,000 persons in the conflict affected areas
is nearing completion in the initial stage of the rehabilitation
Infrastructure development projects have begun to deliver essential
services, facilitate economic development and improve living standards
of the conflict affected, he said.
Overall economic development is taking place in the country with an
over eight percent growth rate and with the expectation of $ 4,000 per
capita income by 2015. Such growth points towards the enormity of
management challenges inherent in sustaining the dynamism of the
development within which also lay vast opportunities for involvement of
QS professionals, Gunawardena said.
IQSSL can take pride in the critical role it has played in
popularising the QS field and building professional capability. Their
professionalism and dedication is well recognised and highly valued.
During this period the IQSL has also been actively partnering other
international organisations of quantity surveyors as is evident by
hosting this 15th congress of PAQS, he said.
A multitude of programs are being carried out at sub national level
for delivery of social and infrastructure services to communities.
Engineering work is underway across the country and to complete them on
time the programs should be cost effective in formulation and well
managed. Quantity Surveyors as practitioners of costing and management
of construction, buildings and engineering work have a vast field for
engagement in Sri Lanka.
In countries such as ours, where services of financial institutions
are improving in accessibility to the less affluent sections of the
population, the increasing need for preparation of cost estimates and
their certification increases demand for trained QS technicians,
Gunawardena said.
President, IQSSL Prof. Chitra Weddikkara said that hosting the 15th
Congress of the PAQS in Sri Lanka is a honour and privilege to IQSSL and
this is the first such event organised by IQSSL since its establishment
25 years ago.
This is an opportunity for Sri Lankan quantity surveyors to exchange
and network with other fellow members of the PAQS. “It will enable us to
share best practices around the Asia Pacific region and the successes
and achievements of other fellow members.
Equally valuable is the fact that the Congress will enable us to get
acquainted with quantity surveying institutes in the PAQS, enhancing
cooperation and synergy between and among our institutes”, she said.
”The theme of the congress has emerged from the realities we find
ourselves in today. The theme has evolved as a challenge to developing
nations of the Asia Pacific region.
Therefore, we hope to deliberate on the theme based on the common
issues and problems pivoted on the Sri Lankan experience.
It is of importance for us to identify solutions and develop a common
goal and agenda for the future development of our profession,, she said.
The 15th PAQS Congress stressed that; right throughout history,
mankind has been subjected to natural disasters, conflicts and economic
crises. Natural disasters result from natural hazards like, cyclonic
storms, tsunamis, floods, droughts, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes
leading to financial, environmental and human losses.
Moreover, conflicts such as wars, revolutions and other struggles are
intertwined with the economy and society and result in low growth
including in the construction sector.
As efforts are underway to minimise the effects of natural hazards
and conflicts, a phenomenon of more recent origin has arisen in the form
of economic crises.
In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, re-thinking of new
cost management models has become imperative; however the limited
availability of project financing is a vital challenge, which demands
effective cost planning and control.
Beyond these common themes of key challenges faced by the
construction industry, there are many challenges specific to certain
construction industries from which lessons can be learnt. Cost
management is therefore a highly demanding function in the world
emerging from adversity.
During the Congress IQSSL signed a reciprocity agreement with the New
Zealand Institute of Quantity Surveyors and Department of Building
Economics of the University of Moratuwa and was awarded the
accreditation certificate of the PAQS.