Wildlife conservation
Every year a large number of wild animals including birds are hunted
and killed by man either for food and raw material or for sport. Many
species of animal such as the blue whales, rhinos, polar
bears,dolphins,turtles, monkeys and many varieties of birds are facing
the danger of extinction.Wild animals such as the tiger,lion and
elephant are also decreasing in numbers .
These animals are reducing in numbers because on one hand they are
being killed by man and on the other, the forests they live in are being
cleared for agriculture and development projects. Most animals are
struggling to survive as their natural habitats are slowly disappearing,
and they have no space to breed and roam about.
The use of insecticides and pollution too have an impact on animal
life.Animals on land and the sea are affected when water bodies in the
forests are being polluted. When oil spills occur the sea water is
polluted and many marine animals die. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is
an international organisation that helps to protect wildlife and
conserve areas of land and sea which have an abundance of different
species of animals.
Sri Lanka is a country which is rich in wildlife even though it is a
small island. The Government has established many wildlife sanctuaries
in the country such as Yala and Wilpattu to protect the diverse species
of animals found in the country.
There is also an elephant orphanage at Pinnawela,an elephant transit
home at Uda Walawe and a bird sanctuary at Kumana .Wild animals are an
important part of the environment and every country should take steps to
conserve and protect wildlife by providing necessary facilities.
Mangsari Jikka, Grade 8A, English Medium,Thanendra
Ladies' College, Kalmunai.
An umbrella...
I am an ancient object

Used mostly by the rich
Maybe your grandfather also used me
But the poor used only plantain leaves
In those days I was really proud
But then the British came
And sent me from country to country
It was a good trip
But I did not like the change
After many centuries
I was made in many companies
I was in almost every house
I had a host of relatives
Everyday I bathe in the rain
And dry out when the sun comes out
I have a colourful and curved body
A very long leg and many arms
When I am old people throw me away
And then they buy another new one
I guess it's the fate of my kind
S.G.H Shashini Hanshani, Grade 6B, Negombo South
International School, Nittambuwa.
My favourite cricketer
My favourite cricketer is Kumar Sangakkara. He was the former captain
of the Sri Lankan cricket team. He is the wicket keeper of the team.
Sangakkara is a good left- hand batsman. He has scored many half
centuries and centuries at international matches. Sangakkara's favourite
shot is cover drive .
During the last World Cup matches he captained the national cricket
team. Sangakkara and the other players performed well at the finals .
However, our team did not win the World Cup.
I like his head gear a lot. He is a great player and I like him very
much. My ambition is to become a cricketer.
Nadun Atugala, Grade 7, Wayamba Royal College,
Buildings serve different purposes

People have been constructing buildings of various shapes and sizes
for a long time. They serve different purposes. Buildings are
constructed to serve as houses, offices, sports and industrial complexes
, stadiums and various other entertainment and marketing outlets .
There are many buildings constructed as houses because we need houses
to live in and keep us warm .
Many people work together to construct a building. An architect
decides how the building is going to look either on his own or according
to the ideas of the person for whom the building is being constructed.
Drawings of the design for the building are made available to the
It is they decide how to build it as a strong and safe structure.
Then the rest of the workers build it according to the plan. Many of the
modern day constructions are beautiful and the Sydney Opera House is one
such construction which is grand in appearance. It is a famous place
with a unique rooftop. Even the Olympic Stadium in Munich has a unusual
roof and is a great structure. There are many buildings which are
interesting to look at even in Sri Lanka.
W. Sachini Anuruddika, Grade 9 D, Girls' College,
Philately is my hobby
What is a hobby? A hobby is a leisure activity, the pursuit of which
offers enjoyment,education and companionship with others who have
similar interest.It is a great form of relaxation and very often a
source of monetary gain too. Philately is the term used to describe
stamp collecting.
A person who collects stamps is called a philatelist. Stamp
collecting has been called the hobby of kings. We can learn many things
through this hobby such as culture, religion fauna and flora and great
events and personalities of various countries. Stamps are instructive,
educational and also profitable. My hobby is collecting stamps.I started
collecting stamps five years ago. Now, I have about 300 local and
foreign stamps in my collection. My grandmother and mother help me in
this hobby. My grandmother gives me the local stamps while my mother
buys me the foreign ones.
My aunt in Cananda too sends me some stamps. When I get more than one
stamp of each kind, I exchange it for a new one with my friends who also
collect stamps. I have two stamp albums in which I have pasted all the
stamps. There are stamps of different shapes, sizes and colours produced
by different countries. Some stamps are square and others are
rectangular or triangular. Most of these stamps are very attractive.
W.G.Avindi Buthmini Premaratne, Brilliant Stars
International College, Matara.
Knowledge is power
"Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave," is a popular saying.
Great people of the world have always stressed the importance of all
human beings receiving an education.

We cannot succeed in life without an education. Those who do not
educate themselves will end up as fools when compared to others who are
well educated. In a competitive world like today no one can obtain
employment without education. So, no one can afford to stay without
being educated. All parents must ensure that their children are
Education is a basic right of a child.Taking this into account. the
Government of Sri Lanka provides free education to all the children in
the country irrespective of their ethnicity. The Government spends
billion of rupees on education. This is done with the objective of
making the people of this land educated and responsible citizens.
Children are the future of the country and it is the duty of all
parents to give their children a sound education. They must be taught
from a very tender age the importance of becoming useful citizens . Let
us resolve to acquire the best of knowledge, keeping in mind that
knowledge is power.
Fathima Safra, Grade 9 E, Al-Fahriya Central
College. |