Hemas Piyawara celebrates, successful decade
Hemas Group celebrated ten years of its early childhood development
initiative "Piyawara" in partnership with the Children's Secretariat of
the Ministry of Child Development and Women's Affairs.
Minister of Child Development and
Women’s Affairs, Tissa Karaliyedde and Director of the
Children's Secretariat, Yamuna
Perera with the plaque presented to the Ministry to
commemorate ten successful years of ‘Piyawara'. Also in the
picture are (L to R) Chairperson of Hemas Outreach
Abbas Esufally, Senior Manager Corporate Communication
and CSR at Hemas, Shiromi Masakorala, and CEO of Hemas
Holdings, Husein Esufally. |
The Piyawara project has added and upgraded 34 model preschools to
the existing governmental network and enriched the lives of nearly 3,000
It has a holistic approach, focusing on seven key areas - creating
parental awareness, engaging in teacher-training, improving recreational
facilities, empowering children with special needs, working towards
eradicating child abuse, improving infrastructure development and
emergency intervention during national disasters. The CEO of Hemas
Holdings, Husein Esufally, also attributes the sustained financial
assistance and support received from the main board of Hemas Holdings
PLC and the Senior Management as yet another driving force behind
Piyawara's success.
Hemas' Senior Manager Corporate Communication and CSR, Shiromi
Masakorala said, "A key success factor was our partnership with the
Children's Secretariat which gave us access to the government network,
resource personnel, monitoring and links to all local councils which
helped us sustain a project of this nature. We also gained hands-on
experience working in the 29 post-tsunami make shift camps and in the
Manik Farm in Vavuniya where we managed pre-schools and play areas to
help children return to normalcy after their traumatic experiences".
As a first-time initiative, the 'Piyawara Community Pre-School'
concept is being adopted to assist marginalised rural communities in Sri
Lanka. The first such school is in Ambalnagar, 10kms from Kilinochchi
town, where there has been resettlement. Hemas is also in the process of
developing more schools in the resettled areas of Mullativu.