Pollution laws to check blaring horns
Owners of buses and lorries will have to replace their blaring horns
when vehicle noise pollution laws come into effect, Central Environment
Authority Chairman (CEA) Charitha Herath told the Sunday Observer
yesterday. He said the CEA was now familiarising traffic policemen and
motor traffic officers of the new noise pollution regulations that were
gazetted in December 2011. The Motor Traffic Act will also be amended to
punish those who violate it.
According to the gazetted laws, vehicle horns cannot exceed a sound
limit of 105 decibels at a distance of two metres and 93 decibels at a
distance of seven metres, else drivers will be violating the CEA
The penalty structure will be determined in the near future."We hope
to import hand-held sound metres and distribute them among traffic
policemen to carry out random checks on the road. "Herath said that
policemen will soon be seen carrying these metres and stopping vehicles
for sound checks to ensure that drivers adhere to the laws properly.
The chairman said the public transport sector was the biggest noise
culprit in Sri Lanka.There will be sound metres at emission testing
centres in the future for drivers to check if the sounds emanating from
their 'burglar alarms' and horns are within the stipulated limit.