Over Rs 100m for childhood project
The Child Development and Women's Affairs Ministry will launch an
early childhood development project soon.
Over Rs. 100 million has been released for the program by the Finance
and Planning Ministry, said Child Development and Women's Affairs
Minister Tissa Karalliyadde.
The Minister told a meeting attended by District Secretaries,
Provincial Probation Commissioners and field officers at the Child
Development and Women's Affairs ministry last week that it is vital to
implement an integrated early childhood development program islandwide
rather than different programs, the minister said.
The officials were asked to identify the needs of their areas and
apprise the ministry accordingly within a week. Funds for the purpose
would be released to Government Agents and Provincial Child Development
The project will be completed this year, he said. Emphasis was laid
on the Northern, Eastern provinces and other remote areas where children
need basic facilities such as early childhood education and nutritional
food, he said.