US beef up rules on exotic cats
Of all the beasts set free by the suicidal owner of an exotic animal
farm in Ohio, USA last year, few were as scary or as lethal as the big
cats.Tigers, leopards and lions - more than two dozen - were loose
before being hunted by sheriff’s deputies.
While the slaughter was chilling, it was truly panic-inducing that an
unstable owner had accumulated such a collection of dangerous
animals.Yet, by some estimates, there are thousands of tigers in
captivity in American backyards - more than there are in the wild on the
No one knows the number for certain because there’s only scattered
regulation for such pets. In fact, it’s easier in some states to buy a
tiger or lion from a breeder than it is to adopt a kitten from a
That’s likely to change after the Zanesville stampede drew the
attention of lawmakers around the country. -AP