
The day when He attained Enlightenment
The day when He spread the light
Throughout the universe
That day we have remembered
That day which shall be celebrated
That day which shall be there
For another 2600 years
The day when He attained Enlightenment
The day when He spread the light
throughout the universe
We lie down at His feet
The Sacred Feet of the One
Who spread that soothing word
Unknown at the time
The day when He attained Enlightenment
The day when He spread the light
throughout the universe
Let's stand in line
To heal minds
To obey the Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha
To uphold Buddhism
Let's live piously
Let us be good people
The day when He attained Enlightenment
The day when He spread the light
throughout the universe
Let's give our heartfelt offerings
To the one who
Led all beings to the
Noble middle path
Making the world
A better place to live in
Let's follow the Eightfold Path
The day when He attained Enlightenment
The day when he spread the light
throughout the universe |