Oetzi, the Iceman’s blood is world’s oldest
5, May , BBC
Researchers studying Oetzi, a 5,300-year-old body found frozen in the
Italian Alps in 1991, have found red blood cells around his wounds.Blood
cells tend to degrade quickly, and earlier scans for blood within
Oetzi's body turned up nothing. Now a study in the Journal of the Royal
Society Interface shows that Oetzi's remarkable preservation extends
even to the blood he shed shortly before dying.
The find represents by far the oldest red blood cells ever observed.
It is just the latest chapter in what could be described as the
world's oldest murder mystery.Since Oetzi was first found by hikers with
an arrow buried in his back, experts have determined that he died from
his wounds and what his last meal was.There has been extensive debate as
to whether he fell where he died or was buried there by others.In
February, Albert Zink and colleagues at the Eurac Institute for Mummies
and the Iceman in Bolzano, Italy published Oetzi's full genome.
An earlier study by the group, published in the Lancet, showed that a
wound on Oetzi's hand contained haemoglobin, a protein found in blood -
but it had long been presumed that red blood cells' delicate nature
would have precluded their preservation.Prof Zink and his colleagues
collaborated with researchers at the Center for Smart Interfaces at the
University of Darmstadt in Germany to apply what is known as atomic
force microscopy to thin slices of tissue taken from an area surrounding
the arrow wound.
The technique works using a tiny metal tip with a point just a few
atoms across, dragged along the surface of a sample. The tip's movement
is tracked, and results in a 3-D map at extraordinary resolution.
The team found that the sample from Oetzi contained structures with a
tell-tale "doughnut" shape, just as red blood cells have.To ensure the
structures were preserved cells and not contamination of some kind, they
confirmed the find using a laser-based technique called Raman
spectroscopy - those results also indicated the presence of haemoglobin
and the clot-associated protein fibrin.
But the fibrin levels were much lower than would be expected in fresh
wounds."Because fibrin is present in fresh wounds and then degrades, the
theory that Oetzi died straight after he had been injured by the arrow,
as had once been mooted, and not some days after, can no longer be
upheld," Prof Zink remarked.The team also suggest that their methods may
prove to be of use in modern-day forensics studies, in which the exact
age of blood samples is difficult to determine.