A truly people's President

A truly people's President

Barely anyone thought that November 17, 2005 was going to be a day that would change the destiny of a country, rebirth of a nation and emergence of a leader who would achieve a world first!

That was the day on which Sri Lanka held its fifth Presidential Election under the 1978 Constitution. Even the winning candidate had many challenges to face with a tottering nation with an uncertain future, a struggling economy heading for a near collapse and a country which danced the fandango round the international community.


Massive bomb explosions in all parts of the country, severely disrupting the people’s day-to-day life had been the order of the day when President Mahinda Rajapaksa took oaths as Sri Lanka’s fifth Executive President on November 19, 2005.

When President Rajapaksa became the First Citizen of Sri Lanka at the most crucial period of its history, LTTE terror was at its peak and the economy too was at a low ebb due to successive Tiger attacks on economic targets. People were uncertain of their return when they left home as terrorists could explode a bomb anytime and anywhere. The country’s economy was at a crossroads and investor confidence was at its lowest levels.

The LTTE had been strengthening its grip and were capitalising on the ‘immunity’ they received due to the controversial Ceasefire Agreement signed by the then UNP Government. The LTTE was on the verge of fulfilling its dream of a separate State as the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity were in grave danger. It was at such a decisive period that President Rajapaksa took over to steer the nations' destiny. Seven years after that historic victory, the brave son of Ruhuna not only crushed terrorism but also put the country’s economy on the right track as Sri Lanka marches towards new economic horizons. As President Rajapaksa completes his seventh year in office, it is imperative that we reminisce and assess the development from 2005 – 2012.


President Rajapaksa believed in his own innovations from Day One of his 2005 Presidential election campaign, based on the Mahinda Chinthana, which replaced customary election pledges with a visionary policy statement.

The Mahinda Chintana envisions national rejuvenation, an inspiration in the New Social Democratic movement sweeping parts of the West.

His aim in presenting the Mahinda Chinthana was to restore in every Lankan his dignity and inner strength, which had eroded over the years following the cataclysmic winds of change brought about by the open economy. Thus, the Mahinda Chintana has steered a Third Way between the extremes of the 1970-77 closed economy and the 1977-94 open economy era.


The main concern of the entire nation during that dark era was the threat posed by the LTTE terror as the day-to-day life too was crippled by numerous LTTE terror attacks and bomb explosions.

Having given a chance to the LTTE at the negotiating table, President Rajapaksa took a historic decision as a fearless leader when the Tigers deprived Mavil Aru farmers of their basic need of water. The President fulfilled his obligation to protect Sri Lanka’s citizens when he ordered the Security Forces to embark on that great humanitarian mission and there was no looking back since then.

President Rajapaksa provided the correct leadership in Sri Lanka’s relentless battle against terrorism and had it not been for his right political leadership and indomitable courage, terrorism would not have been eradicated. President Rajapaksa has been a tower of strength to the Security Forces in their humanitarian operation, meeting each and every need of the soldiers.

Above all, the President was instrumental in changing the attitude of the masses by inculcating in them a sense of feeling for the country and its Security Forces. That was a morale boost which eventually helped Sri Lanka become the first country to eliminate terrorism.


Having vanquished the LTTE leadership in three-and-a-half years during his first term in office, President Rajapaksa is now set to win the ‘economic war’ as well. The success of this operation too is already evident as the country has shown a steady economic growth of nearly eight percent. More importantly, the newly liberated Northern and Eastern provinces have shown an impressive economic growth of 22 percent.

The President’s political maturity and ability to tackle any crisis situation - be it local or international, have been a distinct advantage to Sri Lanka’s progress during the past seven years. Unlike most leaders or today’s politicians, President Rajapaksa is closer to the common man and reads the pulse of the people. It was this true Sri Lankan village power that helped him beat all overwhelming odds and reach the top.

He has been a patient listener to the grievances of the masses, a tower of strength to trade union activists, the hope for thousands of relatives who lost their loved ones during 1987-89, a motivator for the gallant Security Forces in the battlefront, a true Statesman who could move freely with the West and the East and above all a true father for our next generation as well, irrespective of their ethnic, religious or social backgrounds.

The common touch he maintained from the early days of his four-decade long public life, enabled him to understand the hardships and grievances of the masses and the struggle of the working class.

President Rajapaksa has not only won the people’s hearts who voted for him, but also many of those who opposed him. Compared to his first triumph in 2005, he increased his vote base at the second Presidential election victory in 2010 by nearly eight percent, a feat which no other leader in Sri Lanka’s election history has ever achieved.

Loyalty and patriotism

The main reason for the support extended to him by the masses was his loyalty and patriotism. His fearless stand on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our Motherland impressed even his political opponents, by putting the country before self.

The majority of the Tamils and Muslims have clearly understood President Rajapaksa’s vision. Having demolished the LTTE through military means, a political solution will be presented to meet the genuine problems of all communities in the North and the East. During the past seven years the President has taken several measures to promote agriculture. In keeping with market trends, his Government has taken all steps to protect the farmers and the traditional agro-based rural economy.

Above all, Sri Lanka has stood on its own, maintaining a clear-cut foreign policy, the nation’s dignity and the country’s sovereignty. The success of the Mahinda Chinthana foreign policy was evident when Sri Lanka faced all challenges in the international front successfully.

As a result of several far-reaching steps taken under President Rajapaksa’s illustrious leadership Sri Lanka has beaten unfavourable world economic trends to maintain a significant growth rate while the country’s unemployment rate has also been reduced to an all-time low.

The country’s foreign reserves have doubled during the past few years. Sri Lankans are indeed fortunate to have a sincere leader and gentleman statesman of the calibre of President Mahinda Rajapaksa as the country marches confidently towards new economic horizons.