Millions pledge support to President
By Rev.Fr Sarath Hettiarachchi
This article was
written to mark the second anniversary of the inauguration in office of
President Mahinda Rajapakse in 2007.
Sri Lanka is a pluralistic society where people speaking different
languages, following different faiths and holding diverse political
views live together in peace and harmony. Having been involved in
conducting ethnic and inter-religious programs in Sri Lanka over the
years, I have gained vast experience in the related field.
I have had extensive discussions with the LTTE and various other
militant groups in my capacity as a member of numerous alliances and
organisations at such places as Kilinochchi, Mallavi and the Madu
To my recollection it was in 2003 that we, the Inter-Religious
Organisation for National and Religious Unity were ready to hold talks
with the LTTE in order to usher in peace in the country. We were
scheduled to arrive at the LTTE headquarters in Kilinochchi to meet LTTE
leaders such as Thamil Chelvan, Pulithevan and Daya Master.
Before the scheduled visit we had unscheduled talks with Mahinda
Rajapaksa, the then Prime Minister at “Temple Trees.”
Our group included the Most Ven. (Prof.) Kumburugamuwe Vajira Nayaka
Thera, Ven. Egoda Uyana Gnanawimala Thera, Ven. Watinapaha Somananda
Thera, Ven. Galagama Dhammaransi Thera, Ven. Kalupahana Piyaratana
Thera, Ven. Matale Amarawansa Thera and Ven. Nedagamuwa Vijaya Maithri
Thera. Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa had very friendly and frank
discussions with us and explained his stand on this issue very frankly.
He was of the view that every ethnic group in Sri Lanka should live
amicably as true brothers and sisters under a single flag. He expressed
concern over the wrong attitude of some leaders of the government boldly
and quite frankly. He stood firm in his criticism of the views held by
different personalities of the Government as well as the Opposition. He
had the backbone to face the truth.
Some powerful elements in the Government as well as the Opposition
left no stone unturned in preventing him from being chosen as the
Presidential candidate in 2005. Many were the unsuccessful attempts made
by them in this direction.
I happened to be one of the special invitees on the occasion of the
unveiling of the Mahinda Chintana Vision for the Future program. I was
privileged to be one of those four who were each presented with a copy
of the booklet. I officiated at the Christian Mass on behalf of him on
that day. Some of his opponents carried out malicious propaganda against
him while he was being idolised by the masses.
Some said that non-Buddhists would be persecuted under a Rajapaksa
administration if he were to win the Presidency. This ceremony held at
Temple Trees on the day of the launch of the Mahinda Chintana was
covered by the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation and I was the moderator
at these discussions.
The Most Ven. Welamitiyawe Kusala Dhamma Nayaka Thera was also
associated with us on this occasion. I asked the Presidential candidate
Mahinda Rajapaksa whether there is any truth in the alleged statements
that there would be persecution of non-Buddhists after he assumes the
office of President. The reply he gave runs deep down. It still
reverberates in my ears.
”I am a Buddhist, who had attended Dhamma School as a youngster.
Buddhism teaches us to respect other religions and on humanism. One who
has faith in Buddhism could never harm a fellow being whether human or
non-human. As a Buddhist it is my bounden duty to protect other faiths.
People of this country are my brothers and sisters, and I would never
shy away from protecting them. I will do my duty hundred percent”. I was
highly delighted at this response. We fought vigorously against the
conspiratorial elements and other sinister forces that tried to prevent
Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa from being elected President. It was a
rather dangerous exercise. With the participation of Jeevan Kumaratunga
and Ajith Nivard Cabraal, the Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka,
we organised a program to keep the Catholic community in Moratuwa aware
of the religious sentiments of Mahinda Rajapaksa.
Prominent community leaders of the area were invited to a discussion
at Globe Hotel, Moratuwa. We were able to set right the misconceptions
held by many people in the area and our efforts proved a roaring
success. Many pledged to support Mahinda Rajapaksa.
Following this meeting the high command of my religious sect took
swift action to suspend my priesthood for the time being on the charge
that I did extend political patronage to a Presidential candidate. This
suspension lasted until December 31, 2005. However, the order was
subsequently withdrawn.
Having defeated all these evil forces and conspiracies. Mahinda
Rajapaksa was sworn in as the President of the Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri Lanka in 2005. I consider myself lucky to have got the
opportunity to bless him personally immediately after the swearing in
When the President liberated this land from the clutches of terrorism
I was overwhelmingly happy because I rightly supported him in his
election campaign as the Presidential candidate.
People from all walks of life had felt that the President had finally
been able to take the load off their minds after more than three decades
of cruel and inhuman terrorism.
The services rendered by the President for the uplift the standard of
the religions of this country are indeed unique.
His decision to maintain better coordination between all religions in
the island by bringing them under the purview of one ministry had proved
immensely fruitful and practical.
The Ministry of Religious Affairs and Moral Upliftment functioned
under him has been entrusted to the care of the second-in-command in the
current administration, viz the Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne, MP.
The physical development of religious centres and the moral
assistance given to religious leaders are some of the striking features
in the Rajapaksa administration where religions are concerned.
All religious centres belonging to Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and
Christians are equally looked after and there is no discrimination
whatsoever. I am fully aware of the immense services being rendered by
this government for the uplift of the standard of religions in this
island as I have been serving as Advisor on Christian Affairs to the
President over the past four years.
The Bhikkhus, Hindu kurukkals, Islamic moualvis and the Catholic
clergy have maintained close relations in the programs conducted by the
Ministry of Religious Affairs.
Apart from multi-religious activities spearheaded by this ministry
action has been taken to hold special Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic and
Christian religious ceremonies under the auspices of the Presidential
Secretariat with the participation of the President.
On each Full Moon Poya Day Buddhist religious programs are conducted
at “Temple Trees” under the direct supervision and patronage of the
President. Besides the bhikkhus, other religious leaders too contribute
their share to the progress of their faiths under the guidance given by
the President.
Today we commemorate the second anniversary of his inauguration in
the office of President. In the words of the President, “there are no
majority groups and minority groups as such, but only patriots and
non-patriots in this island”. Those who love this country are extending
their unstinted support in this efforts to make this country the
emerging wonder of Asia physically as well as spiritually. The
conspiratorial elements both local and foreign must be defeated once and
for all, in order to ensure freedom for the masses of this country.
Millions of people of this picturesque island stand solidly behind
the President and we wish him success and long life on this occasion
when we celebrate the second anniversary of his inauguration in office.
Let us wholeheartedly pledge our support to him as a united nation on
his onward journey. |