Laugfs IT wins merit award
Laugfs Holdings' Corporate Information Technology (IT) Department
received a Special Merit Award for the development of its Laugfs Car
Care Vehicle Maintenance System at the National Best e-content Awards
'e-Swabhaimani 2012' recently.
The e-Swabhaimani awards, organised by the Information and
Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA) recognises local
developers who use ICT innovatively to create value for their companies
while also promoting a more inclusive information society. "We are very
pleased to have our work recognised and we feel these awards will help
our development team to continue innovating and producing more
award-grade applications and thereby help us to further tap their true
potential as developers of Laugfs Corporate IT," Chief Information
Officer, Laugfs Holdings, Kanishka Weeramunda said.
"Laugfs Corporate IT aims at developing more applications in the
field of Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology. NFC technology is
steadily gaining popularity internationally whereby customers can
complete transactions by bringing their mobile phones into contact with
NFC devices. The system is already gaining use in countries such as
Singapore and Australia," a spokesman for the company said.
"The team is also involved in a full bill payment solution with a
focus on customer convenience and time saving. The system is already in
use at Laugfs retail outlets," he said.