President at 65th Independence Day celebrations:
Development and reconciliation - best answer to false propaganda
Foreign countries invited to witness developments
in Lanka:
Sri Lanka responds to the publicity against the
country carried out abroad by inviting foreign countries to come
here. The best answer to false publicity and propaganda carried out
in foreign countries is development and reconciliation in Sri Lanka,
President Mahinda Rajapaksa told the 65th Independence Day
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People resettled in Keppapilavu:
Mullaitivu rises from the ashes
“The LTTE did not allow me to return home which
was in Udugama, Galle since I was a Sinhalese,” said the man now
resettled in a village in the Maritimepattu DS Division of the
Mullaitivu district. Let us call him ‘Pathmanadan’. Born and raised
in Udugama in Galle, ‘Pathmanadan’, like many in his fishing village
travelled to different coastal areas to fish depending on the
various seasons.
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