Buddhist tenets for boundless peace
It is a fact of life that most of us are troubled
by difficult emotional states in the pressured societies we live in,
but do little in terms of developing skills to deal with them. One
of the most important questions we come to in spiritual practice is
how to reconcile responsible action with a Buddhist life based on
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Spare a thought for insects
Insects are found in almost all parts of the
world. They would have been inhabiting the earth long before humans
appeared. However, the relationship between humans and insects has
not been constant. In ancient civilisations, man lived in harmony
with insects. He did not want to exterminate them for any reason.
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Thorns on the Side
A close call
We are living on one big spaceship called Planet
Earth. We are going on a cosmic journey in space with no final
destination. We share our little corner of the Milky Way galaxy with
thousands of other space objects and collisions are inevitable at
some point.
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