The historicity of Ramayana
by Neil Kiriella
While studying Ramayana to find proof of its historicity I was taken
aback to find that Valmiki had recorded that a huge part of Rawana's
Kingdom; Lankapura, submerged overnight after his death. Some theories
helped me in my study of Valmiki's Lankapura and Plato's writings;
Timaeus and Critias in which he presents, a portrayal of perfect society
that lived millenniums before the traditional Greek times.

Valmiki, The author of Ramayana. |
The word by which Plato described Atlantis is ‘Nesos'; it's the Greek
word for ‘island'. As such Atlantis is not a continent but an island.
Some western scholars who explore on lost civilisations hide facts of
India and surface Egypt and Sumeria. These scholars instead of placing
the Veddhas above or equal to the Egyptian Pyramids reduced them to the
ratings of ignorant Nomads of Central Asia. It has to be accepted that
it is India which preserved ancient human legacy; both material and
spiritual. The Indian archaeological relics are among the largest and
oldest in the world.
For nearly five generations the majority of the Mid Western and Asian
nations were colonies of the British Empire.
The empire faced severe management uncertainty and needed a specific
device to control. After much effort in 1824 ‘The royal Asiatic Society’
was formed and regulated all cultures under their control and
misconstrued the authentic history of Mid Western and Asian countries.
Plato, in 2373 BCE wrote Timaeus and Critias relevant to Atlantis.
Since then references on Atlantis was based on Plato's writings. The
word Atlantis was more a household word to western scholars than
Lankapura. Yet, millenniums before Plato, Valmiki, the biographer of
Rama in 7612 BCE recorded in his compilation Ramayana, that Rawana's
kingdom, Lankapura partly submerged due to a geological calamity
overnight after Rawana's death. Plato described this in his script
Timaeus and Critias in 360 BCE.
The western scholars having known of Valmiki's Ramayana; and its
contents called it a myth and highlighted Plato's scripts which
described the identical event. Whenever a study for a submerged land
surfaced they referred to Plato's scripts and searched for Atlantis in
the Atlantic Ocean; though there was much valid pre-historical evidence
in Valmiki's Ramayana, I leave this particular point to the readers to
come to an unbiased conclusion.
Why did Plato call Greece, Athens and its populace Athenians instead
of calling them Greeks? The followers of the Buddha and Christ are
called Buddhists and Christians, respectively, irrespective of their
As such it is correct to call the followers of Goddess Athena,
Athenians. She was the Goddess whom they revered while living near
Saraswathi River before it dried up. The Greeks treasured her so much so
that the capital of Greece is named in her honour, as Athens.
Plato’ believed that Egyptians got the information from Hindus.
Valmiki recorded in Ramayana the sinking of a massive island in a night
and identified it as Lankapura. He stated that its populace was greatly
skilled in irrigation and engineering.
Plato too described all these skills. In other words whatever Valmiki
detailed in Ramayana, Plato too had detailed it in his scripts.
When studying Ramayana a mystery arises. It's whether Plato had a
copy of Ramayana or whether he heard it orally or as a philosopher
whether he had clairvoyance. Or else, how did he detail all what was
found in Ramayana in his Timaeus and Critias.
Rig Veda refers to Lankapura as Rutas and depicts its people as
Asuras; sun-worshippers, teetotallers, vegetarians and agriculturists
who worked with nature. Rawana their Emperor was a great monarch but had
two deadly weaknesses, arrogance and women. Due to them Rawana became
evil and cruel.
Plato called this submerged island Atlantis, and Homer called it
Troy. Plato and Homer were Greeks and they were unaware of their
beginnings. What is Plato's account? Atlantis was a great island and its
control extended beyond the ‘Pillars of Hercules'. He recalls the
superior culture that existed 10,000 years ago that had a powerful navy
that dominated Africa and Western Europe but their kingdom partly
submerged overnight. Plato's Atlantis was close to where his ancestors
lived 10,000 years ago. According to surfaced facts they are a group of
Indo-Europeans that migrated to Greece.
Sanskrit grammarian Panini confirms that Greeks were in India and
helped him to compile grammar but grammatical traditions do not exist in
The Greek historian Megasthenes identified Hercules, as the Hindu God
Krishna. Is it a twist of fate or Indian authority on Greeks? Hercules
(Krishna) as such it can be argued, talks of India. By the word pillar
did Plato indicate the island in the south east of India, Sri Lanka?
The name Lemuria was first used in 1864 by zoologist Phillip L.
Sclater who took hold of the word from Lemur (monkey) from Madagascar.
None knew how the animal got to India.
Thus in honour of Lemurs it was named Lemuria by zoologist Phillip L.
Sclater for reasons known to him.
Though some call Ramayana a legend, yet, there are many academics,
literary pundits and historians who declare that Ramayana is historical.
They base their claim on the rock inscriptions and places of historical
and legendary importance in Sri Lanka pertaining to Rama – Seetha and
Rawana. Rawana's kingdom is accepted, as Sri Lanka.
The pre-Mahavamsa kingdom of Emperor Rawana in the deep-southeast of
Sri Lanka in closeness to Arugambay was sunken by a tragic earthquake,
volcanic eruption or tsunami and was destroyed overnight and was
detailed by Valmiki who lived long enough to record Rama's life to its
Rawana kingdom
This geological disaster surfaces evidence that the ‘Rawana Kingdom’
existed. The light houses in the deep south east of Sri Lanka were built
on its leftovers. Is Sri Lanka the remaining part of the sunken island?
There is realistic evidence that the present Sri Lanka as the remainder
of the submerged island, as illustrated by Ramayana and Plato's Timaeus
and Critias.
Danish marine archaeologists discovered a large submerged (475,000 sq
kms) landmass in the deep south east of Sri Lanka at Godawaya, on March
14, 2009.
It is the celebrated lost island of Lankapura called Irisiyawa in
Lankan legends closely linked to the culture and history of Sri Lankans.
This proves the location of the much explored Lankapura – Atlantis –
The world was started in the 1930s by the claim of a Hungarian
scientist, who lived in Paris. Easter island's Rongo-rongo has derived
from the Indus Valley script of 2082 BCE, or even prior to it. A script
similar to the Indus-script has been found on Easter island.
The Indians had a vast amount of influence and power in the
pre-history. A remarkable Easter island legend says; ‘The first race
that invented the Rongo-rongo writing, wrote on stone. Four parts of the
world at one time were occupied by them and this race still exists in
Asia. Interestingly, Mohenjo Daro and Easter island lie almost exactly
180 degrees.
Evidence strongly suggests that the origins of Greeks and Indo
Europeans were in India.
The spread of Indo-European culture around the world can be explained
as, “The spreading of the Vedic culture throughout the world due to the
widespread sea trade links the Indus Valley civilisation had globally”.
Greeks and Indians are linked by their deities, philosophy, medical
systems and social structure. Greeks originated in India and their
distant memories were Indian.
The Indian philosophy is much older than the Greek philosophy. How
did it appear in Greece abruptly? The answer is that the Greeks were in
India and migrated out of India after the drying up of the Saraswathi
River around 2200 BCE.
Present Geological researchers confirm that there was a severe
drought for three centuries around 2200 BCE, which severely affected
civilisations in India, West Asia, and North Africa. With all this new
persuasive historical findings the historians have pushed the Vedic era
to the Indus Valley civilisation. The data prove that the Indo-Eruopeans
including the Greeks were in India and migrated around 2200 BCE.
Rama – Rawana war
The Greeks who were living in India were less-urban and more agrarian
in the Mahabharata age around 3000 BCE.
If 7612 BCE is the correct timing of Ramayana, this is when the war
between India and Lanka took place. Ramayana refers to it as Rama-Rawana
war. Plato held that Atlantis (Lanka) attacked Athens (India), which
name derived from Goddess Athena.
Though Plato is certain that Atlantis (Lanka) attacked Athens (India)
we have to accept Valmiki's recording in Ramayana as Athens (India)
attacked Atlantis (Lanka) as he recorded all events as it happened.
The war erupted between these two countries as Rawana abducted
Seetha, Rama's wife as hostage in revenge of Lakshamana; Seetha's
brother-in-Law attacking his sister Suparnika who was the governess in
Astronomical dating places Ramayana to 9612 years.
It confirms that these happenings took place around 7612 BCE and is
further confirmed by the dates quoted by Plato ‘when the war between
Atlantis and Athens took place'.
The astronomical dating of Ramayana and other Vedic scriptures are
honest, as the early Indians genuinely recorded them to date special
events in their history, especially the birth of major kings.
Dr. Vartak confirms that Ramayana was written 9612 years ago, which
is roughly 7612 BCE. The astronomical data given in Ramayana can be used
positively to date the birth of King Rama.
The mystery of the history of Valmiki's Lankapura, Rig Veda's ruta,
Plato's Atlantis, what zoologist Phillip L. Sclater's Lemuria come to an
end with the discovery of 475,000 sq kms of landmass in the deep
south-east of Sri Lanka by marine archaeologists. Historians have
identified Valmiki's Lankapura later called Atlantis or the submerged
island in one night, as the present Sri Lanka of which a small portion
remains. The following points are important to consider;
* The sinking of Lankapura (Atlantis) and Rama's life history are
detailed in Ramayana.
Valmiki recorded this island in the life history of Rama; the
Ramayana. Valmiki is accurate because he recorded the incident as it
happened. Plato referred to Atlantis very much later than Valmiki. As
such we have accepted Valmiki's version as more authentic.
Max Mueller's made-up ‘Aryan Theory’ can be totally rejected. Indians
originated in India.
The information collected from the excavations of the Indus Valley
reveals that Vedic literature and the Indus Valley civilisation match.
It confirms that the Indi-Europeans originated in India and migrated out
of India. Therefore Greeks originated in India and their distant
memories and legends are Indian.
The migration took place probably during the declining phase of the
Indus Valley civilisation, when the Saraswathi River began to dry. It is
now accepted geologically. During this phase we can find Indo-European
cultures appearing in Central Asia and Europe.
The only record of Atlantis we have is from Plato. Its location is
portrayed west of the Straits of Hercules. Plato himself did not visit
Altantis. According to Megasthenes Hercules is Krishna.
Astronomical evidence confirms that the incident took place around
9612 BCE. It positively matches with Plato's account of Atlantis and
submerged on the date he assigns to it.
Thus, there stands very strong proof to accept that Atlantis is Sri
Lanka. Thus, Plato did not make it up; it really existed.
Ramayan is the life history of Rama and it details many more
incidents of Rama even after the submerging of Lankapura. As such it's a
historical chronicle.
In accordance with the evidence and facts surfaced, it can be
considered Sri Lanka, as the much sought after location of Lankapura or
Atlantis named Irisiyawa by the Lankans in pre-historical times and also
referred to in Lankan epistle poems.
The evidence will compel the western scholars to admit that they are
of a recent culture compared to the Asians and that the Asians dominated
the primeval of the world.
The exact astronomical dating compiled by Valmiki, the writings of
Greek Philosopher Plato and many others from the beginning of the 19th
century provided guidance to locate it.
With the recent discovery of a submerged land in the deep-south east
Lanka many credible theories have surfaced.
Accordingly, Sri Lanka is part of the submerged island. The submerged
huge landmass is identified, on the meticulous leads given first by
Valmiki and then by Plato.
Historians, archaeologists and scholars from the east and the west
called Valmiki's Ramayana an epic, a myth, a spiritual text but they
completely overlooked the validity that it contained events of 9612 BCE
recorded by Valmiki.
Tale or legend as a rule, shoots from some historical facts and so it
is with Atlantis; identified in the deep south east of Sri Lanka and
with it the Ramayana prophesy is evident. The truth is evident. Ramayana
is the historical biography of Rama.
The writer is the Chairman, Sri Lanka Heritages Foundation. He
participated in the Ramayana Festival and Conference held in Chennai,
India recently. |