Woman, her charm and pride
by Siripathy Jayamaha
Human beings can never speak of women without bowing their heads in
gratitude to three of the most greatest of women who walked on mother
earth. They, as mothers gave to the world three sons whose words on
Karuna, Meththa, Forgiveness, Submission, Love and Peace lifted the
minds of mankind to do ‘good.’
Woman is nature's or God's most consummate of creations. She is
always with us. She brings us into being. We are cradled in her arms.
She guards us with devotion. We may look plain, but she sees beauty in
us. Yes! To the mother of the scary looking Tasmanian monster her
offspring are the prettiest. A woman will sacrifice comfort, sleep,
food-actually her life to serve us.
Woman has been a part of the world, with the human race from the
beginning of time. She is by no means a man's source of recreation. But
the sagacious citadel of procreation. A woman's constant and unwearied
ministry is that makes the world ‘Home’ the sweetest in the world. She
is our guardian from cradle to grave. A woman carries a quiver full of
love and peace laced arrows.
Smiling matron
We walk back with time. A smiling matron carries a babe. It a girl
she cooes, while placing it in the pink laced cot. All in raptures. A
woman began to be suckled by another woman. Another addition to feminine
gender with the famous 64 of you know what. She grows up in a cosy
cauldron of gossip where “with every world a reputation falls,” make up,
fashion and dolls. A mischievous little alfin.
From an unforgettable childhood to the vivacious adulthood she likes
to imitate the mother. Also the ‘real star’ artistes appearing in the
large and small screens. Pampered by a doting ‘thaththa’, whose dreams
are shared with ‘Amma.’ Beautiful dreams about the future of their
Then education become happy memories. Trophies for achievements in
class and in the sports field. Begins to think of the future.
A proposal or a sweet love affair ends with the wedding. A lovely
white saree, exquisite jewellery, a heavenly bouquet of white flowers,
she walks with her spouse, clad in stylishly tailored dark suit. A
slight digression- “Thaththa why do brides always wear white?” “Because
duwa, white signifies purity.” “Thanks.”
“Amma, then why do bridegrooms wear black?” Amma was silent. A women
will fly away from the home of her parents to build a new home or nest
amidst embraces, tears, confetti and waves. We remember with nostalgia
the song of Mignnone Fernando “Kadallay....” and Pro Carlo Fonseka's
“Raththaran Duwe....”. Then these woman's thoughts on the words of Leon
Uris in his masterpiece ‘The Egyptian’ quote: “The greatest gift a woman
can give to a man is her innocence, which she can give only once.”
The woman goes to live with another woman. The husband's mother. The
duel of the in-laws is common the world over. Truly if a woman can
remember that once she was a daughter-in-law and the other will one be a
mother-in-law, then surely that abnoxious word ‘in-law’ could be deleted
from the dictionary.
The woman as a sister become a symbol of care for her younger members
of the family. Along with an understanding spouse, she helps them in no
mean measure. A woman as a sister becomes a mother, to others under her
wings. Now history repeats itself.
Pain and joy
The woman is in labour. Pain mingles with joy. How true ‘Le kiri
karala.’ The family grows. The woman takes over. She keeps the home
fires burning. In short she becomes the “home central bank.” She washes
her wedding ring thrice a day – morning, noon and night in dish water to
keep the family in good health. The woman as a mother is ever alert to
the needs of the family.
Who keeps – awake to take the temperature and administer antibiotics?
The woman, attends to the laundry work, in keeping the house clean and
in keeping the children under her watchful and affectionate care. At
times, running around with soot and tear filled eyes brandishing the
‘Pol katu handha’ (coconut shell ladle). Most important of all, the
woman as mother is there to take the family upto the altar of the
beautiful teachers in whom they believe. Prayers and thanks for all the
sweet favours received.
A woman as a professional and heroine. We cannot forget Countess
Cinchona who showed that a bark of a tree could yield quinine, the
bitter medicine for the malaria infested world of yester year. Madam
Curie gave us Radium, Florence Nightingale became an institution when
her caring for the afflicted in war, armed with a lamp ushered in the
world, caring angels in caps.
The indispensable nursing sisters yes she helped the woman medical
specialist. Grau Darling helps her father by waving a lantern, guiding
the ships to sea when the light house lamp fails to give light Maria
montessori gave the toddlers an unique system of understanding ABC and
Immortal authors
Immortal authors, whose works have been translated to many languages.
Daphne du Mauriers. The Birds Rebecca, Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice,
Margaret Mitchells, Gone with the wind Rachel Carsons ‘Cry my beloved
country’ and Henrywoods ‘East Lynne – made into film in Tamil in “Thaai
Ullam”, can we forget these women of greatness.
Now, we remember and salute one of the noblest of women. Queen
Viharamahadevi who bequeathed to us a noble and brave king who, from his
heroic and meritorious deeds showed his righteousness by decreeing that
all who pass the tomb of a very just king whom he had slain in battle
should pay their to his royal apparent. A wonderful son of an
outstanding woman and mother of stature.
Our women in this little gem of an Isle were given the honour of
using their franchise.
They could vote. This was in the 1930's long before many other
countries thought it fit that there women who keep them and all mortal
beings in the cosy confines of their water bags for nearly 264 days,
were eligible to vote.
We astounded the world. A Guinness Record which made Madam Tusseuds
wax works in London to erect a model. The model of the first ever
elected woman Prime Minister of the world. Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike of
then Ceylon.
We created a precedent. Some say “woman thou art frailty”. A fallacy.
She will be there ad-infinitum. The hand that rocks the cradle shall
rule the world in her own in imitable way.