Can columnists usher in a golden era?
by Gamini T. Pandikorala
The word “musing” is defined as “To be meditative, absorbed in
thoughts”.[internet] If pen (this includes pen drive as well) is
mightier than the sword, this form of genre together with its family
connected to it, such as ‘Vignettes’ introduced by the Sunday Observer
has now become a very effective tool capable of changing the world.
Having said that I wish to state that the journey of the seekers of
truth has to go on with short cuts as we have no time to lose until the
‘truth’ which rejects all limitations is found. The journey would no
doubt will continue further to avoid emerging of ‘untruth’. The goal has
to be achieved soon. Look at the trouble spots in the world. Middle
eastern countries deteriorating relationships between China, North and
South Korea, some of the African countries, interventions of major
powers with opposing views threatening the world peace can not be
The musings of Padma Edirisinghe develop appropriate themes to alert
the readers who take the trouble to understand such problems deeply.
Truth is common to all beings, all countries irrespective of material
strength of the respective countries. I am sure Padma's musings will
soon cover the so-called human rights issue this country is faced with
at present. Before we take up ‘human rights’ we have to find out who the
human being is when detached from his physical powers.
Objective thinking does not recognise whether you are Obama or
Babanis. All human beings should be kept at zero position, that’s what
all of them are at birth. Does Obama’s physical body know that he is in
USA or does Babanis’ body know that he is in Sri Lanka? Or what they eat
as their staple food? The world is waiting for uncovering this truth for
survival of humanity. The pen has to act fast!
Writers in the calibre of Padma now need not waste time at the
printers for deliverance in a book form. Her computer will send the
ideas composed by her to her editors by a mere press of a button. Vast
readership of the Sunday Observer will read her column absorb the ideas.
Before I talk further on musings it’s appropriate to comment on a
similar tool namely ‘sonnets’ in English literature- form of genre used
by poets from ancient times.
William Wordsworth (1770-1850) dedicated a sonnet titled ‘sonnet on
sonnet’ to stress its importance.
It says with sonnets ‘…Shakespeare unlocked his heart…’. When in
exile it was used by Camoes and Dante to crowned/His visionary brow:.…’
Wordsworth says that in the hands of Milton ‘The Thing became a
trumpet;……’ Even though Milton could write only a few, if not for sonnet
form extensively used, Shakespeare’s life span wouldn’t have been
sufficient for him to write lengthy dramas to release his philosophy to
the world.
While poets did their duties in the ancient times now in today’s
context prose writers with maturity and intellect should be encouraged
to share their experiences through “Musings” and “Vignettes” (already
well established column in Sunday Observer by R S Karunaratne who
enlightens readership in numerous intellectual fields). It seems that
the duo is doing just that.
The world today needs to find a way for survival and avoid total
destruction of the human race from the face of the world. Major
violators of human rights in the west, pre-occupied with achieving their
superiority are blind to the facts. Here again Padma shows that the time
is ripe for nations in Asia to show the major powers the strength of
looking inward for peace and superiority.
This can be done using the principles of their own research in
psychology carried out in the west too, namely in the area of
objectivity. Her thoughts give enough raw materials for further research
through the thinking in the east.
Her reference to the rebirth of the snake girl (Sunday Observer of
February 10) attracts inquiring minds. She has developed the idea that
‘snake girl’ has used the rebirth concept as a tool to transform
herself-from a primitive village lass to a prominent figure in modern
This leads to further logical inquiries. Can we find answers to the
questions ‘who is this man? and what’s his position from where he
operates? [his position in this universe as an individual].What answers
do we get when we forget all acquired knowledge received from others?
Can we be free from the influence of words and find answers? Let words
only be examples for us to see the world and see the truth. Aren’t we
still having obstacles similar to what amazed the primitive
man-appearance of bright objects sun and moon in the sky. We cannot
think about the world peace with unanswered questions with regard to
position of man in this universe. Self inquiry is urgently needed.
The relationships between individuals, religions and nations are very
important for world peace.
This theme is intelligently handled in her musings on ‘when crows
cawed and place names changed’ (Sunday Observer of February 24) her
choice of words such as ‘…bloated pride belonging to the race of the
Lion’. ‘…but curse of doubt enters me.’ shows how impartially she looks
at this problem. Her theory on place names Tamilicised after the shift
of population had been a natural and realistic development.
She adds ‘Even where they changed deliberately to spite the Sinhalese
it was not the ordinary man who did it but those intent on sowing seeds
of discord.’ The changes emerging in this fashion are really genuine.
Tamilicised’ ‘westernised’ are really the development stages of a
language and culture. The common man is the hero who in a genuine honest
network in society monitors the usage of the language.
Looking at them sympathetically is an insult to them. However Padma
in this musing while using terms like ‘offended mentality unless
dwellers themselves opt for the change’ ‘Feeding rancour at a mere
change of a name-it is not worth it.’
Finally, she adds her own analysis to the story about the ‘Crow
Language/Kaputubasawa which indicates indirectly that the history is
only for the sake of knowledge but will have useful examples to the
If the problems are looked at objectively [with no self to identify]
you yourself is nothing but an example! Then the world? Can you (with no
self) see violence in an example? Will violence and corruption in any
form die a natural death? Contemplate on this. Can her ‘mission of
musings‘ and “Vignettes” of R.S. Karunaratne contribute to form a
network capable of driving the world towards a golden era?