Soo-me takes on Lull-kanth
Soo-me, the One-Sa, has severely reprimanded Lull-Kanth for admitting
what the Bell Boys had done during the 1988/89 terror. "What the hell
did you do? I am the only surviving senior in that lot and I will be
answerable. You'll were nowhere in the picture and could go scot free
whereas I will be behind bars in my old age. Perhaps, this could be a
plot to oust me from the party leadership," Soo-me told his politburo
last week.
Ah-know-mah brings Fonny down to earth
Fonny was in a belligerent mood on Wednesday night, saying that his
party could easily form a government in the near future. But it was none
other than Ah-know-mah, his better half, who woke up Fonny from his
political fantasy. "Remember, all the supporters were not ours though
they carried a torch each, our political symbol. Most of them were
You-En-Peers and Jay-Vee-Peers," she said, much to Fonny's chagrin.
Love-Slave conspires with Reformists
Ra-Blue's kindergarten conduct during Wednesday's protest, at which
he chided one of his bodyguards for injuring his toe, was the talking
point when the Green reformists held a closed door meeting on Friday
night. "These are the things that we should bring into sharp focus. We
must gradually kill his image. I know you guys can't support me openly
but what you do behind the scene is more than enough," Love-Slave had
told his confidants.
Unsuccessful approach by Big Lady
Retired Big Lady has been unsuccessful in her attempts to approach
some of the backbenchers among the governing types. "It is better to
remain a backbencher under Mahinda than becoming a minister under you,"
one of the Em Pees had told the Big Lady when she approached him with
the blessings of Wedding Sam. |