Local manufacture of yeast, a viable proposition
By Dr. Tilak Nagodawithana
In a country like Sri Lanka where rice has been the staple food for
centuries, it is not surprising to find that the per capita consumption
of bread and for other bakery goods has remained low over the years,
relative to those of developed nations.
Yeast, as we know, is the key ingredient needed to provide the
flavour nuances and the leavening power to provide the familiar bread
matrix. With dwindling bread consumption, the disappointing market
potential it has created for yeast in Sri Lanka, is thus understandable.
Following the end of 30 years of terrorism, a handful of
entrepreneurs showed interest in filling this void by exploring the
possibility of building production facilities. But all such surveys
carried out stopped in their tracks primarily due to the limited captive
markets in Sri Lanka.
In recent years this situation has worsened with the increase of
wheat prices in the world market. An additional issue which can be less
important but nevertheless critical is a possible shortage for locally
produced molasses. This is the substrate for making yeast and is being
used extensively for making alcoholic drinks which ironically, in Sri
Lanka has immediate payback.
Currently, the entire supply of yeast and yeast related products are
imported. As a result, there is a substantial foreign exchange drain
which can easily be avoided by investing on yeast production facilities
in areas where sugar cane plantations are expanding.
Discovered by Egyptians
This report, therefore, is to bring the reader's attention to other
far reaching goals yeast manufacturers in the developed world already
have in place, for increasing their product lines and thereby improving
their profitability.
Yeast is, without doubt, the most important group of microorganisms
commercially exploited and safely consumed by mankind today.
Many authorities believe that Egyptians discovered the extraordinary
properties of yeast 6,000 years ago when some freshly crushed grapes
left exposed to air turned into a pleasant and intoxicating beverage
which they subsequently named as wine.
The early 'Oenologists' quite accidentally found out that when they
carefully scraped the white sediment that fell to the bottom of every
batch of wine and added to the next batch of fresh juice, the wine made
second time was as good as the previous batch. After these humble
beginnings, production of wine and subsequently beer developed as an art
and craft in complete absence of scientific know-how.
Legend has it that it did not take too long before some enterprising
baker of flatbread, added a portion of a primitive wine sediment to his
dough, looking to improve its quality. To his surprise, the dough
leavened (puffed) and improved the flavour and texture of flatbread. The
twin art of baking and wine making and subsequently brewing then became
profitable ventures within communities at the time without any
understanding of the basic principles associated with such processes.
The very existence of the microbial world was unknown to mankind
until the microscope was invented by a Dutch lens grinder, A van
Leeuwenhoek in 1680. He first observed the microbial world when he
examined a drop of fermenting beer through a handmade single lens
microscope. However, the work he brilliantly began was not extended for
over a century.
Finally, in 1850s, Louis Pasture discovered that these changes in
composition of 'wine' are as a result of metabolic changes in sugary
media, caused by the action of live yeast.
These painstaking studies by Pasteur followed by his brilliant
interpretations of his results gave the world the basic knowledge upon
which most of our modern industrial biotechnology has been built.
Yeasts are represented by numerous strains that were chosen and
adapted for specific industrial fermentation. They include Baker's
yeast, wine yeast, top and bottom fermenting brewer's yeast and
distiller's strains used for alcohol production from molasses and other
sugary materials.
Strain improvement
Strain improvement by conventional methods, genetic manipulation and
protoplast fusion has contributed superior strains for the
aforementioned processes.
Earliest commercial production of Baker's yeast probably occurred in
Holland around the early 1780s. In their process, sugar solution was
slowly fed to an aerated suspension of yeast and the process was named
as Zulaufer/fahren.
This process was widely accepted by not only the yeast manufacturers
but the entire fermentation industry as an incremental feeding or
fed-batch process.
Thus the baker's yeast industry has contributed greatly to the entire
fermentation industry by the introduction of the fed-batch process which
now has wide application in the production of organic acids, amino
acids, enzymes, vitamins, and in the antibiotic industry.
In general, there are five to seven stages of propagations,
progressively getting larger in volume with every change of stage, in
the production of Bakers' yeast: the laboratory stage in which the pure
culture from slants is transferred to growth flasks; then to two to
three stages of set batch (substrate and nutrients all in) where the
contents of the preceding stages are transferred through sterile piping
to the succeeding stages of increasing volume; then to two stages of
fed-batch (incremental sugar feeding) fermentations and finally the
commercial stage which often carries 50,000 gallons of fermenting
The final content is eventually centrifuged, and the separated cream
is pressed and sold as pressed cake or turned to noodles and dried in
air-lift dryers to produce Active Dry Yeast (ADY). Yeast production is
important not only for baking, brewing and distillery fermentation but
also for the production of a variety of value added products.
Lucrative market
In this category, the most important segment is the flavour and
flavour enhancing yeast extracts which are gaining immense popularity in
the vastly expanding food industry. There is a high demand for yeast
extracts in the fermentation industry as a cost effective microbial
growth nutrient.
Adding yeast extracts to complex media to improve their nutritional
properties is way to reduce the cost of production of a variety of
products such as in the manufacture of drugs, antibiotics, enzymes,
hormones, citric acids, and other important organic chemicals, where
microbial fermentation is the standard production procedure.
Yeast extract is a concentrate of soluble material derived from yeast
following hydrolysis of the cell material, particularly the proteins,
soluble carbohydrates, and nucleic acid. This is generally carried out
by use of its own hydrolytic enzymes (autolysis) or added enzymes to
release the cell contents in a highly degraded form.
As in the case of fermentation industries, different quality and
varying composition yeast extracts are now available in the market to
meet the complex needs of food industries. Such extracts made through
reaction flavour technology are capable of producing beafy, chickeny,
cheesy, or fish-like flavours without ever adding the animal source and
are in high demand for making food formulations to vegetarians.
Driving force
From the 1950s taste has continued to be the driving force in the
food processing industry. Therefore, the success of the food products
will be largely influenced by the correct choice of the flavour deliver
system. Monosodium glutamate (MSG originated in Japan) has for some
time, been the principle flavour enhancer used in the formulations of
soups, sauces and gravies.
However, in the 1960s, when certain small percentage of the
population was beginning to report certain health problems following the
use of MSG, scientists developed two other products called 5'-inosine
monophosphate and 5'-guanosine monophosphate (5'-IMP and 5'-GMP) that
could provide the same or even higher flavour enhancing properties
without causing health problems.
The negative publicity against MSG in the media created an increased
demand for 5'- nucleotide-rich, natural flavour enhancers. Yeast being
typically high in RNA content which is the prerequisite for
5'-nucleotide production, became an obvious choice for the production of
natural 5'- nucleotides-rich yeast extracts.
Today, the market is flooded with yeast extracts containing different
levels of 5'-nucleotides, thereby gradually replacing the once popular
MSG among food formulators.
In the meantime, the medical community has begun to show that high
consumption of salt or sodium is largely responsible for the
cardiovascular diseases among many.
The food industry has reacted to this by requesting flavour
ingredient suppliers to supply salt or sodium replacers. Currently,
5'-nucleotide rich yeast extracts are extensively used not only as a
savoury flavour enhancer but also in food formulations to reduce salt or
sodium or as bitter blockers.
In case where salt (NaCl) is replaced by Potassium chloride (KCl),
the bitter and metallic taste of potassium (K) is generally masked by
yeast extracts made to contain high levels of Adenosine monophosphate
Yeast based ingredients project a natural ingredient label appeal and
in this era of food label concerns, yeast-based products serve as a
relief for many food formulators and the public.
Dietary fibre
Another product made from yeast is a dietary fibre isolated and
purified from the yeast cell wall. .
The therapeutic effect of beta glucan has primarily been due to the
stimulation of the reticular endothelial system (RES), which in turn
produces increased amounts of antibodies against invading pathogens
which is the key role in the body's natural immune system.
Hence, it prepares the body to fight infections by acting like a
broad spectrum antibiotic. With banning of four antibiotics used in
poultry feed in EU countries, beta glucan has now taken their place as a
replacement to control the common pathogenic bacteria to improve and
maintain the health of livestock.
The yeast flavour may be pleasant to some, or indifferent or less
than desirable to others. However, it is not used as a flavour but
because of their nutritional contributions of protein, and vitamin B1.
In such cases, the yeasts are killed by pasteurisation, made into a
powder by spray drying and often tableted for convenient use. Research
done more than six decades ago, reveals that certain nutritional
deficient diets showed impaired tolerance to blood sugar (as in type 2
Today, there are yeast products with organically bound Selenium in
the form of Selenomethionine, produced per this writer's US Patent, for
use as nutritional supplements. In this regard, it must be mentioned
that high levels of elemental Selenium is toxic to human.
Modern biochemistry and molecular biology, related to the study of
enzymes, among other things, was also born off yeast.
In 1978 came the first breakthrough in yeast genetic with the
introduction of a technique called transformation. The molecular
biologists responsible for this pioneering work managed to insert a
foreign gene into the yeast genome through the use of a vector
(transport carrier called plasmid) containing the foreign gene.
Yeast is helping immensely to uncover the biochemistry and regulation
of human genes and it is fairly straightforward to predict where along
the biochemical pathways to intervene. It is still premature to predict
that yeast will show the way to the cure of life threatening human
diseases. But given the role that yeast has played thus far in
identifying human health problems, it is not safe to count out that
With yeast technology advancing in leaps and bounds, we see that the
yeast which was once only good for baking bread is now fast becoming a
force to be reckoned with.
We, as Sri Lankans, should jump into the band wagon even at this late
stage to get familiarised with what is progressing in biotechnology and
molecular biology with special emphasis on yeast. If we fail to do so,
we could miss some lucrative business opportunities in this competitive
The writer is the President of Esteekay Associates Inc., Milwaukee.