‘TNA obliged to take part in PSC talks’
by P. Krishnaswamy
TNA’s obligation to take part in the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC)
talks is more compelling following India’s clear stand as stressed by
the visiting Indian delegation, political leaders said. The delegation,
during its visit to the North, noted that the Tamils should facilitate a
solution to their problems through political activities and talks
locally without depending on India or any other country.
Minister of Water Supply and Drainage and Chief Government Whip
Dinesh Gunawardena told the Sunday Observer that the PSC talks on
finding a solution to the Tamils’ problems had been stalled for over 18
months because the TNA refused to participate. President Mahinda
Rajapaksa appointed the PSC representing all political parties to
recommend constitutional amendments to resolve identified problems. TNA
delegations have been going from country to country making unfounded
accusations against the Government. This had been their game play all
these years to drag the issue.
The Government would welcome them if they decide to return to the
negotiations, he said. Commenting on the latest media reports quoting
TNA leader R. Sampanthan as having insinuated that he would return to
the PSC talks, Minister Gunawardena said that the Speaker of the House
would take steps to have the veracity of the reports ascertained for
follow-up action. |