Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 4 August 2013





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Sun, the largest object in the solar system

The sun is by far the largest object in the solar system. It contains more than 99.8 percent of the total mass of the Solar System (Jupiter contains most of the rest).

It is often said that the Sun is an 'ordinary' star. That's true in the sense that there are many others similar to it. But there are many smaller stars than larger ones; the Sun is in the top 10 percent by mass. The median size of stars in our galaxy is probably less than half the mass of the Sun. The Sun is personified in many mythologies: the Greeks called it Helios and the Romans called it Sol.

The Sun at present is about 70 percent hydrogen and 28 percent helium by mass everything else ("metals") amounts to less than two percent. This changes slowly over time as the Sun converts hydrogen to helium in its core.

The outer layers of the Sun exhibit differential rotation: at the equator the surface rotates once every 25.4 days; near the poles it's as much as 36 days.

This odd behaviour is due to the fact that the Sun is not a solid body such as the Earth. Similar effects are seen in the gas planets. The differential rotation extends considerably down into the interior of the Sun but the core of the Sun rotates as a solid body.

Conditions at the Sun's core (approximately the inner 25 percent of its radius) are extreme. The temperature is 15.6 million Kelvin and the pressure is 250 billion atmospheres. At the centre of the core the Sun's density is more than 150 times that of water.

The Sun's power (about 386 billion megawatts) is produced by nuclear fusion reactions. Each second about 700,000,000 tons of hydrogen are converted to about 695,000,000 tons of helium and 5,000,000 tons of energy in the form of gamma rays.

As it travels out towards the surface, the energy is continuously absorbed and re-emitted at lower and lower temperatures so that by the time it reaches the surface, it is primarily visible light. For the last 20 percent of the way to the surface the energy is carried more by convection than by radiation.

The surface of the Sun, called the photosphere, is at a temperature of about 5800 K. Sunspots are "cool" regions, only 3800 K (they look dark only by comparison with the surrounding regions). Sunspots can be very large, as much as 50,000 km in diameter. Sunspots are caused by complicated and not very well understood interactions with the Sun's magnetic field.

A small region known as the chromosphere lies above the photosphere. The highly rarefied region above the chromosphere, called the corona, extends millions of kilometres into space but is visible only during a total solar eclipse. Temperatures in the corona are over 1,000,000 K. The Moon and the Sun appear the same size in the sky as viewed from the Earth.

And since the Moon orbits the Earth in approximately the same plane as the Earth's orbit around the Sun sometimes the Moon comes directly between the Earth and the Sun. This is called a solar eclipse; if the alignment is slightly imperfect then the Moon covers only part of the Sun's disk and the event is called a partial eclipse. When it lines up perfectly the entire solar disk is blocked and it is called a total eclipse of the Sun. -Internet



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