US ‘Regime Change’ plot uncovered in Ukraine
by Daya Gamage
US State Department Assistant Secretary for Europe and European
Affairs Victoria Nuland was caught on tape last week confirming that the
US is now openly spending US $ 5 billion to effect ‘regime change’ in
Victoria Nuland with
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in Kiev |
Nuland told Geoffrey Pyatt, the US Ambassador to Ukraine, she had
discussed the plan with UN Undersecretary for Political Affairs Jeffrey
Feltman and that he would appoint a UN representative to help move it
And who is this Jeffrey Feltman? A career American diplomat, Feltman
served as the most senior State Department official on the Middle East
from 2009 moved from US Foreign Service in May 2013 to take the United
Nations Number Three job, Undersecretary General for Political Affairs.
In his role with the United Nations as the Undersecretary General for
Political Affairs, Jeffrey Feltman’s portfolio covers the world’s
political conflicts.
And that includes Sri Lanka and her issues ‘Reconciliation’,
‘Accountability’ that the United States is highlighting these days with
the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.
Whether it's good or bad news for Sri Lanka, the United States works
through Feltman to get the UN agencies to censor that nation's
government as much as the US works through him to get changes effected
in Ukraine.
The Nuland-Pyatt ‘sensitive’ conversation is one example how the
State Department is manipulating UN officials and UN agencies to
influence other regimes and intervene in domestic affairs.
The phone conversation between Assistant Secretary of State Nuland
and Ambassador Pyatt apparently took place late last month, after
President Viktor Yanukovych offered the posts of Prime Minister and
Deputy Prime Minister to Opposition Leaders Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Vitali
One media outlet noted what the US says is that it is working with
all sides in the crisis to reach a peaceful solution, noting that
“ultimately it is up to the Ukrainian people to decide their future”.
However the Nuland-Pyatt transcript suggests that the US has clear
ideas about what the outcome should be and is striving to achieve these
Russian spokesmen have insisted that the US is meddling in Ukraine’s
affairs but Washington clearly has its own game-plan.
Asian Tribune readers will recall that the State Department and its
officials continually say that ‘it is upto the people of Sri Lanka to
decide what its good for their country’ but, as in Ukraine, Washington
has its own game-plan.
The mainstream media in the United States give a twist to this story
accusing Russia of tapping phone conversations of American officials and
releasing it to public domain.
But the real story is concealed: that the State Department is
manipulating a regime change in Ukraine.
The London Guardian said, “Blaming the Russians for leaking a
conversation that was presumably obtained by covert means poses problems
for the US, as documents leaked by Edward Snowden reveal that the US has
in the past listened into the communications of its allies and enemies.”
The conversation underlines mounting US frustration at the EU’s
position on the ongoing democracy protests in Ukraine. The EU has held
back from joining US threats to impose sanctions should the Ukrainian
regime violently suppress the protests.
In the tapes, Nuland and Pyatt discuss the upheavals in Ukraine, and
President Viktor Yanukovych’s offer last month to make opposition leader
Arseniy Yatsenyuk the new Prime Minister and Vitali Klitschko Deputy
Prime Minister. Both men turned the offer down.
Nuland, who in December went to Independence Square in Kiev in a sign
of support for the demonstrators, a clear interference in the internal
affairs of a sovereign nation, adds that she has also been told that the
UN chief, Ban Ki-moon, is about to appoint a former Dutch ambassador to
Kiev, Robert Serry, as his representative to Ukraine.
“That would be great I think to help glue this thing and have the UN
glue it and you know, f... the EU,“ she says, in an apparent reference
to differences over their policies.
“We’ve got to do something to make it stick together, because you can
be pretty sure that if it does start to gain altitude the Russians will
be working behind the scenes to try to torpedo it,” Pyatt replies.
The Nuland comment clearly denotes that the American government is
working to effect changes in Ukraine through its former foreign service
officer (FSO) Jeffrey Feltman whose claws are all over the globe,
Ukraine and Sri Lanka.
Referring to Klitschko, head of the UDAR (Strike) party, which has
close financial ties with Germany’s ruling conservative party, Nuland
tells the ambassador: “I don’t think Klitsch should go into the
government. I don’t think it’s necessary, I don’t think it’s a good
idea.” Pyatt agreed, saying, “let him stay out and do his political
Nuland continues: “Yats (Yatsenyuk) is the guy who’s got the economic
experience, the governing experience.” Pyatt later warns Nuland that
“Klitschko has been the top dog” within the opposition, and that she
will need to “move fast on all this stuff” and speak with the UDAR
leader as part of their “personality management” of the opposition
Media commentator Patrick O’Connor wrote: In her telephone
conversation with Pyatt, Nuland praises UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
for deploying a special envoy, Robert Serry, to Ukraine.
This, she explains, will “be great, I think, to help glue this thing
(i.e. a new government).” These remarks underscore the role played by
the UN as an instrument of imperialism, working with the US and its
allies to cover up or endorse their predatory operations around the
In the Nuland-Pyatt discussion, the US ambassador expresses his
agreement on the need for the UN to be involved, saying, “we’ve got to
do something to make it stick together, because you can be pretty sure
that if it does start to gain altitude that the Russians will be working
behind the scenes to try to torpedo it.” He adds that “we want to try to
get somebody with an international personality to come out here and help
to midwife this thing.”
One could visualize the manner in which Washington manipulates the UN
to achieve its goals.
Courtesy: Asian Tribune |