Nenasala set up at Pitigala

President Mahinda Rajapaksa flanked by ICTA Nenasala Project
Consultant G. K. Perera and Chief Incumbent of the Pirivena,
Venerable Yatadolwatte Mahinda Thera (on extreme right). |
President Mahinda Rajapaksa inaugurated the 749th Nenasala (Wisdom
outlet) at the Pitigala Vidyatilake Mahapirivena, in the Galle district.
The Nenasala Telecentres set up islandwide including the Northern
(59) and the Eastern (88) provinces have yielded positive results,
despite the high failure rate of telecentres in the international arena.
They have been acclaimed globally, regionally and locally.
A brainchild of President Rajapaksa as a measure for making the
benefits of ICT reach everyone, the Nenasala project has made a positive
impact on society. ICT literacy has leapfrogged from a mere four percent
in 2004 to nearly 40 percent today. Farmers, vegetable vendors,
fishermen, students and teachers have made it a habit to visit the
Nenasala close to their residence to taste the benefits of ICT.
About 50 Nenasalas are due to be set up in close proximity to the
2014 Deyata Kirula exhibition site. Of these about seven were set up