A mother's love
by Husna Inayathullah
It was a bright cold day in May. Pasan was worried because it was the
parents' meeting in school. Pasan was the only child in his family so he
was pampered by his parents. His mother was a housewife and his father
was working abroad. Pasan had a lot of freedom at home. He was allowed
to do what he liked. As Pasan's parents had a late marriage, they were
old. Pasan was just 12 - years - old but his parents were old to have a
son aged 12. He was worried about it as his parents looked old with
withered skin and grey hair.
His mother usually attended his meetings at school. He was
embarrassed because his mother was looking old. Once one of his
classmates asked Pasan, "Hey, is this your mother or grandmother?" The
whole class started to laugh at him. Pasan was feeling dejected.

He cried a lot. He showed his anger towards his mother. He always
blamed her and yelled at her. "Ammi, why on earth did God give me a
mother like you? You are looking so old and ugly. My friends are teasing
me. Please ammi hereafter don't come for functions and meetings in my
Pasan's mother tried to console him but he did not care to listen. "Ammi,
please don't come in front of me, get to a side, you are really
irritating and annoying me," said Pasan. Pasan's mother was worried that
day. She did not say anything to her son, instead she wept the whole
day. She did not eat or drink.
Her son's words were echoing in her mind. His words hurt her a lot.
She did not blame her son but herself. She realised that her son had so
much of hatred towards her. She was yearning for his love.
One fine Sunday Pasan and his mother went to the fair. Pasan was
embarrassed to walk besides his mother as he saw his friends on the
street. So he crept behind his mother to avoid his friends.
"Hey Pasan, where are you going with your grandmother?" asked Kelum.
Pasan got angry and threw away the bag he had in his hand.
Trying to get hold of the son, his mother moved in front only to be
hit by a car that came from nowhere.
She fell unconscious and started bleeding. Pasan was perspiring.
He was so nervous that he did not know what to do. Passers-by
gathered around her and soon she was rushed to hospital.
Pasan was dumbfounded. He could not speak or say anything once the
people and police questioned him.
His mother was in a critical condition. The doctor said, "Putha, your
mother won't be able to get out of bed for sometime because one of her
legs is severely damaged, and now it is your turn to look after her."
Kasun cried a lot and blamed himself for his mother's predicament.
Kasun told his mother, "I'm sorry ammi, hereafter I will never hurt you
and I will do everything for you and look after you."
"Thank you so much putha, I love you a lot," she said. " I love you
too ammi, now I realise that your love is genuine. Ammi I missed you a
lot when you were hospitalised. I felt so lonely. Ammi, you are my
world," said Pasan. |