Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 18 May 2014





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette
ON THE TRAIL OF VICTORY - Sunday Observer pays tribute to the Security Forces on fifth anniversary of defeating terrorism

Victory Day celebrated at Pudukudiyiruppu monument :

Martyred soldiers honoured

Northern Province Governor Maj.Gen.(Rtd) G.A.Chandrasiri, the
chief guest addresses the gathering.

Floral tributes placed at the Victory Monument

Five years on after the military victory over the LTTE terrorists and billions of rupees spent by the Government on multifarious development projects to bring the terrorism-ravaged Northern province in par with the other provinces of the country, the fifth Victory Day celebrations were held on May 12, 2014 in the vicinity of the Victory Monument in Pudukudiyiruppu in the Mullaitivu district with Northern Province Governor Maj.Gen.(Retd) G.A. Chandrasiri as the chief guest.

At the function with the participation of the Northern Province Chief Secretary Ms Ramesh Vijeletchumy, Jaffna Mayor Ms Yogeswary Patkunarajah, Government Agents, the Mullaitivu Security Forces Commanding Officer, senior Police, Air Force, Navy and Army officers, State officers, school children and members of the pubic, gift parcels were presented by the Governor to parents of 100 soldiers who had martyred in the war against terrorism and to soldiers who had lost their limbs.

"The function was a token of honour to the soldiers who had done everything for redeeming the country from the clutches of terrorism", Governor Chandrasiri said in his speech. They had also worked hand-in-hand towards with the other government authorities in the rehabilitation and resettlement of the Northern people in keeping with the commitment of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, he said. An important feature of the function was cultural events of school children. Mullaitivu GA Sundaram Arumainayagam delivered the vote of thanks.


The main focus of the government's development programs is on promoting agriculture by renovating and rehabilitating irrigation tanks and bringing all arable lands under cultivation. The other development works were on road networks, water supply, electricity, health, education and civil administration.

The GDP growth rate was recorded as the highest in the province at 27.1 percent in 2011. Agriculture, including fisheries and animal husbandry, which are the mainstay of the economy has shown positive growth after 2009. The agricultural sector contributed to 24.2 percent of the GDP composition to the provincial economy in 2011. Paddy cultivation in the North in the years 2011 and 2012 had recorded the highest yield in the country.

Production of crops, fisheries and other livelihood sectors have gradually increased and the market for agricultural products has expanded. Per capita income rose to Rs.200,000 in 2011 as against Rs. 159,000 in 2010. This trend is progressively on the increase.

The 'Vadakkin Vasantham', the Northern Recovery Program of the Presidential Task Force (PTF), which was appointed by President Mahinda Rajapaksa on May 07, 2009, plays a very significant role towards achieving the desired infrastructure development, socio-economic uplift and livelihood facilities for the Northern people. Several mega development projects have already been implemented and many more are in the pipeline towards achieving this goal. The Herculean task of re-building the entire province has virtually been achieved through the development programs for the overall re-structure of the province changes one can see are authentic testimony to this achievement, authoritative sources said.


Improvement of educational standards is one of the main focuses of the Government. Under the " Mahinda Chintana " vision of developing 1000 secondary schools and 5000 primary schools throughout the country, 6 Core Schools and 22 Feeder Schools in the Thunukkai Educational Zone and 4 Core Schools and 9 Feeder Schools in Mullaitivu Educational Zone are to be developed at an expenditure of Rs. 5.0 Million and Rs. 4.5 Million respectively (total 9.5 million) . The total expenditure under various education-related programs for the district during the years 2009 - 2012 is Rs.487.22 Million. The achievements targeted by the year 2016 in the field of education is: (i) achievement of GCE(OL) and GCE(AL) by 75 percent, (ii) increase in A/L Science education by 70 percent, (iii) build up social harmony, reconciliation through co-curricular activities and (iv) fulfilling of the requirements of science labs, libraries and ICT rooms in all I AB and Type II Schools.

The Governor presents gifts to war heroes maimed in action

For the Jaffna district, a whopping Rs.71,293.11 Million has been allocated for development activities in the years 2009 - 2013, according to details provided by the Director Development of the Jaffna Secretariat. The year-wise break-up is Rs.2,035.17 Mn for 2009, Rs.4,190.49 Mn for 2010, Rs.21,955.10 Mn for 2011, Rs.26,086.11 Mn for 2012 and Rs.17,026.236 Mn for 2013.

According to the sources, the sector-wise summary of allocations for the year 2013 as at 30.09.2013 is Rs.330.86 Mn for agriculture, Rs.852.39 Mn for Industry, Tourism and Trade, Rs. 4,451.51 Mn for human settlement, Rs.225.33 Mn for economic infrastructure, Rs.9,523.51 Mn for transport, Rs.1,122.44 Mn for social infrastructure and Rs.516.20 Mn for administrative overheads. The total allocation for the different sectors during the year ( up to 30.09.2013) is Rs.17,026.24 Mn, according to the sources. A total amount of Rs.7272.689 Mn has been allocated for the first quarter of 2013 for development of the railway, roads, aviation, transport facilities, , social infrastructure, administrative functions, agriculture , industries and tourism in the district, according to the sources.


For the Kilinochchi district, a total amount of Rs.8.575 Mn has been allocated under the decentralized capital budget for development activities by the six parliamentarians representing the district for implementing 95 projects. Almost all projects have now been completed.

Of the total requirement of 26,730 new houses, the Government has committed to build 18,699 houses and of the 6,349 houses that need to be repaired the Government has committed to repair 4,119. The balance new houses to be built and repaired will be undertaken under future Government allocations.

Entrepreneurs from many countries are visiting the province to explore investment potentials. One entrepreneur has decided to develop the island sector as a tourist destination under a mega project which will offer direct employment opportunities to 25,000 and indirectly to many more. The Kayts, Mandativu and Kerativu offshore islands will be developed as tourist destinations with golf courses, big tourist hotels and facilities for the passenger ships to come direct to the tourist sites. The Mandativu offshore island which has one of the best Bird Sanctuaries in the region will also be developed to form part of the tourist attractions. It is a mega project to be completed at a gradual pace in 10 years, the sources said. There will be five industrial zones , each 25 acres or more in extent. The Achchuvely Industrial Zone is already nearing completion and has many industrial complexes. These will ultimately be entrusted to the people, through their organisations. President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Minister Basil Rajapaksa, who is in-charge of the PTF for Northern Development , are fully committed to the recovery of the province to its former state which is now being realised, the sources said.

The first phase of the Kankesanthurai harbour development project is already completed and the completion of the second phase is in progress. With the completion of the third phase, the Northern province will have an international standard harbour and ships will come direct, contributing to the economy of the province , the sources said.

Basic infrastructure

The amount invested by the line ministries under the 'Vadakkin Vasantham' program is Rs.8,865.33 Mn, by the then Ministry of Nation Building and State Infrastructure is Rs.2,222.17 Mn, and the Ministry had also contributed a supplementary investment of Rs.993.39 Mn from foreign funds. The investment by the Northern PC Ministries is Rs.1,215.29 Mn. The total amount so invested was Rs. 12,296.78 Mn.

Senior service personnel stand to attention for the National Anthem

Sector-wise contribution for 'Vadakkin Vasantham' development programs for the years from 2009 - 2012 include Rs.17,1233.44 Mn which was for the resettled areas to develop livelihood of the people and the basic infrastructure. This investment contributed towards their day to day livelihood activities and to fulfil their needs.

Under the Northern Province Governor's special scheme all IDP students were allowed to continue their studies in the universities after going through a government procedure applicable to IDPs and ex-combatants. The scheme was started in 2010 and out of 424 students, 189 were selected for the scheme under which each student gets assistance for the university academic year until completion of the course of study. Total expenditure on implementation of the scheme was Rs.7.98 Mn in 2010, Rs.3.63 Mn in 2011 and Rs.3.97 Mn in 2012. About 695 school buildings were either reconstructed or repaired. Lab facilities have been provided to 28 schools under the 'Mahindodaya' program. Over 80,000 students received recreational kits, school bags, free uniforms, books and meals. About 86,202 pieces of furniture for students, 2,200 for teachers, 206 steel cabinets , 12 lab equipment, 482 computers, Rs.100 Mn worth of library books, Rs.20 Mn worth of sports material and 105 musical instruments were provided to the schools. Temporary accommodation for teachers were provided and 100 laptop computers to selected students who performed well at the GCE (AL) were distributed. 1642 pre-schools attended by 48,252 children are functioning with government assistance.

Of the 2890 pre-school teachers, 1847 are getting a monthly allowance from the government while 840 teachers have been imparted in-house training. Infrastructure facilities have been extended to 99 pre-schools and 447 teachers completed training as diploma holders in pre-school education. In the All Schools Games and Athletics competition, participants from the Northern schools won 11 medals for games and 24 for athletics.

A cultural event presented by school children

In the health care sector, 4 District General Hospitals, 3 Base Hospitals (Type A), 6 Base hospitals (type B), 54 Divisional hospitals and 34 primary hospitals are functioning . The newly constructed medical wards, surgical wards and medical officers' quarters at the Base Hospital, Chavakachcheri was declared open recently. The cost was Rs.150 Mn. An amount of Rs.4,814 Mn was spent during the years 2009 - 2012 to improve the health sector. 237 major health institutions were reconstructed or renovated at a cost of Rs.2250 Mn. Nearly Rs. 1300 Mn worth of medical equipment were provided to all hospitals in the province, including to medical institutions in the resettled areas.


Most of the quarters for medical officers, nursing officers and other staff were reconstructed at Rs. 500 Mn. Thirty-one ambulances, 8 single cabs, 3 mobile dental vehicles, 2 mobile spraying units, 2 mobile health vehicles, a 52-seater bus, a drug lorry, an ambulance boat, 30 motorbikes, 150 scooters, 385 bicycles and 08 generators were also supplied to health institutions in the resettled areas. The total cost is Rs. 450 Mn.

In Mannar DGH division a special child care unit was constructed and equipped at a cost of Rs. 25 Mn. A paediatric ward complex in the DH area, Adampan was constructed at an expenditure of Rs. 40 Mn. Foundation stone for the Base Hospital in Mulankavil in Oddusuddan was laid and the initial cost is estimated at Rs. 100 Mn. 163 Nursing Officers were appointed.

Three ambulances, one each to the Mullaitivu General Hospital, Mullaitivu Base Hospital and the Periyapandivirichchan divisional hospital were supplied. The new office of the Regional Director of Health Services for Mullaitivu was constructed at Rs. 39 Mn. For reducing malnutrition among lactating mothers, pregnant mothers and infants below two years a program at a cost of Rs.300 Mn has been implemented. Construction of the four storey, 200 beds ward at the General Hospital, Vavuniya was started at a cost of Rs. 187 Mn.

The Ministry of Economic Development supplied CT scanners to the DHC, Vavuniya at Rs.56 Mn. A multi-facility building complex at the Teaching Hospital, Jaffna was recently declared open by President Mahinda Rajapaksa at a total cost of Rs.2600 Mn.The President officially commissioned the "Uthuru Jananee" Thermal Plant project costing Rs.3.5 Billion. The total estimated cost on the implementation of the major Jaffna Peninsula Water Supply Scheme is Rs. 20,000 Mn.

Local services improvement program, at a cost of Rs.3,626.44 Mn, was implemented under funding from the Ministry of Economic Development.

Under the major program of rehabilitation and reconstruction of infrastructure, the Mannar bridge and causeway was constructed at an expenditure of Rs.2460 Mn. Project-wise the amounts spent on reconstruction of railways and roads were : Rs.1070 Mn on the A 9 Kandy-Jaffna Road, Rs.700 Mn on the Murungan-Silawathurai Road and Rs.220 Mn on the Thiruketheeswaram roads. Under the on-going rehabilitation/reconstruction of roads projects the estimated expenditures on completion of projects are: Rs. 676 Mn on the Vavuniya-Horawapothana Road, Rs. 2000 Mn (WB funded) for the provincial roads in Jaffna, Rs.398 Mn on the Jaffna-Manipay-Karainagar Road, Rs. 181 Mn on the Jaffna-Pt. Pedro Road, Rs. 1250 Mn on the A 32 Road, Rs. 2854 Mn on the Vavuniya-Mannar Road, Rs. 3600 Mn on the 100 km provincial roads (under MCs and UCs), US $ 776.5 Mn (ADB- Chinese Govt. funded) on national roads, US $ 79 Mn on the 250 km provincial roads and 100 km MC and UC Roads (WB, ADB funded) and Rs.1140.00 Mn on rural roads.

Under power supply projects, the Vavuniya to Jaffna 132 kV transmission line and two grid substations (Kilinochchi and Chunnakam) were completed at an expenditure of Rs. 6,759 Mn (ADB -JICA funded), The 'Vadakkin Vasantham' distribution development project was completed at Rs.5,297 Mn (ADB-JICA funded) and transmission project augmentation (Vavuniya Substation) at Rs.7,024 Mn.

Foreign investments

The Municipal Council Sewerage Scheme (ADB study) costs Rs.4,725 Mn. The BOI has also approved several projects with foreign investment which would offer employment opportunities to nearly 4,000 persons. Foreign investments in projects on different sectors have also been identified for the Northern province.

The PC got Rs.1200 Million last year for development work from the central government and a similar amount this year as well. This amount is spent on development work which include construction of buildings, reservoirs, irrigation canals and other important development-related work.

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